Day 1- Talking To Ryder

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Day 1

I sit up instantly. All the events from the past day coming rushing back. 

How am I supposed to make the most popular guy at school talk to me?

I grab my phone and check the date. It's  Tuesday, September 19th. Two weeks from the day I killed myself. Wait... he sent me back in time?  

It makes sense. I mean, it would be kinda of scary if the girl that killed herself was walking around at school the day after.

I get up knowing that I am going to have to go to school. I need to talk to Ryder today.  If I want my life back, I have to. 

Thinking about talking to him makes my stomach turn, so I decide to put it out of my mind until I get to school. I need to relax and stay focused, I only have 14 Days, I can't mess it up.

I shuffle to the bathroom, stopping by the hall closet to grab a towel and washcloth first. I strip off my clothes and hop in the warm water. I wash my hair quickly and scrub my body clean. When I'm done I hop out and dry myself off. I brush my teeth and put on deodorant, then dry my hair and lightly curl it. I put on some foundation and mascara in hopes I can make myself look decent. 

When I'm content on how my hair and makeup look, and quickly sprint to my room, in nothing but a towel. Leave it to me to forget my clothes. I quickly shut my bedroom door behind me, and go to my closet.

 I find a white lace top, that is cut a little low. The sleeves cut off on my forearm just before it reaches my hand.  I put it on, and a pair of dark jeans. I put on a pair of black flats to go with it. I walk to my jewelry box, and get out my necklace I wear everyday. It's simple, it's a small silver chain with a single pearl. I put in on, and my diamond studs my Dad got me for Christmas. 

  Standing in front of my mirror my eyes slowly travel to my necklace, I bring my hand up and twist the pearl, as I always do when I'm nervous or need reassurance. Tears prick my eyes, as I remember why I have the necklace. I blink them back, and sigh. I turn, grab my things, and walk out my bedroom door.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I find my mother sprawled over the couch, and the Tv still on. I walk through the room careful not to wake her up; I know how she gets when she's tired. I walk into the kitchen and put my bag down on the table. I get out some cheese, ham, and eggs from the fridge.

While making some omelets for the family, which consists of Mom, my little brother, and I, I hear someone stomp into the kitchen. Sensing someone looking at me, I turn and find my mother staring daggers at me.

"Good morning," I say, half-heartedly.

"What did I tell you about staying quiet;  you know I've been working all night," she asks, leaning against the counter and crossing her arms.

"You told me that I need to stay quiet, because you have a tough job that requires long work hours, often keeping you up all night, and that you need sleep. You also told me that I sound like a herd of wild elephants walking through the house and I need to sound more like a tv on mute," I answer, flatly. 

I love my mother to death, but she really is too hard on me. I wake up every morning and make breakfast for the whole family, then I have to make sure me little brother, Tyler is up and take him to school. I also have a job at an old diner, that I have to work at almost all night. When I'm done working, I have to make sure Tyler made it home from school, and he's in bed with a full stomach. I know Mom's job is important, but all she does is work. This past year has been a hard one, and Mom isn't doing anything to help. When she is home, which isn't often, she is asleep or complaining about how I'm not doing enough around the house. I've tried talking to her about it, but that only results in me getting told how lazy, disrespectful, and ungrateful I am.

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