Day 7- Halfway There

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Day 7
    My alarm clock blares, and I groan. I don't want to go to school today. I don't want to face people. I don't want to.

     I thought that coming back, getting a second chance, would be better. I thought that I wouldn't have to face the issues that caused my suicide, or a least be able to deal with them better. But, apparently this pain is exactly the way I remember it. It's suffocating. Every time you think it's getting better, you're dragged back down. Your heart is beating, but you aren't alive. You can't feel anything, but you feel everything. You can breathe, but you're suffocating. You're above water, but you're drowning. You're mind is a hurricane. Not a small one, but a raging storm, that's destroys everything in its path. I am that storm.

      I sigh, and turn off my alarm. I get up and go to the bathroom. I take as long in the shower as I can. When I get out, I dry my hair, and leave it in its natural auburn curls. I put on foundation and mascara. I use a little bit of concealer to cover up the new red marks, etched across my skin.

      I go back to my room, and find a random t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I put on my converse, and pearl necklace. I don't really feel like trying today. I'm too exhausted.

     I go downstairs, and find my Mom sprawled across the couch with Criminal Minds blasting through the Tv. I turn it off and put a blanket over her, before going into the kitchen.

    This morning's breakfast consists of biscuits and sausage. I go wake up Tyler, and wait for him. I jump up, and sit on the counter, waiting to see Tyler. Tyler eventually comes bounding down the stairs, and sits down. He finished his breakfast quickly, and then we go to school.

     I drop him off, and see a girl around his age smile when she sees him. Girlfriend? What isn't he telling me?

    I push the thought to the back of my mind as I pull into a parking space. I get my things and walk into the huge building.

    I walk straight to my locker, and unload my 1,000 pound bag. Just as I close me locker, I see Ryder walking in my direction. We make eye contact, and I can see a flash of regret, which he covers up quickly. He begins walking faster, and I turn and walk straight to my advisory class. I take my usual seat in the back of the class. I keep my head down, and hope no one talks to me.

    I feel a hand on my arm, cause me to squeal and jump back in surprise.

    "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare you."


  "It's okay," I say, plastering a huge fake smile on my face. I'm not going to let him see that he and his little escapade got to me.

    "I need to talk to y-" he was cut off.

   "Ryder! May I ask why you are in my classroom, disturbing my student," the teacher says, giving him the look every teacher has, that makes you want to crawl into a hole and die.

    "I'm sorry. I was asking her when our essay was due," He lied.

    "You had plenty of time for that before class. Now get to class," he said coldly.

    "Yes sir," he mumbled, and walked out of the room.

    Did he ever consider I may not want to talk to him?


     Today, instead of getting lunch and going to the oak tree, I go hide in the library. I don't want to have a run in with Ryder. I know I'm supposed to be saving him, but I really don't want to talk to him right now.

     I pick out a book, and go sit at one of the tables. There are rows upon rows of books surrounding me. This gives me protection from wandering eyes, and possibly Ryder.

     I put in my ear buds, and the first song that plays is In the Name of Love By: Martin Garrix&BebeRexha. I open my books and let the words pull me its world.

     I feel a hand on my should, and almost fall out of my chair. I look up, and see Ryder standing over me. I pause my music and glare at him.

   "What is up with you and scaring me today," I scowl.

    "Sorry. I just didn't see you under the oak tree, so I thought I'd look here," he says.

    I nod, looking back down at my book. Before I can do anything the book is being ripped from my hands, and closed. He made me lose my page.

     "Hey," I exclaimed.

     "I need to talk to you," he says, ignoring my anger.

     "Fine. Talk," I say, crossing my arms.

    "Yesterday. I didn't tell him that. He overheard us talking that one day. He only heard you say the last part and walk off. He was in the tree, and I didn't know it.  I'm so sorry. I didn't want for them to do that. When I found out he overheard I forced him to promise he wouldn't say anything or antagonize you over it. But this is Dean we're talking about. He doesn't keep promises. And Thomas, he didn't mean anything by what he said. He's just cocky and self centered," he explained.

   "It's okay," I say.

   "No it's not, and if it makes you feel any better, when we left the diner... I punch him. He's going to have a pretty good bruise. That's probably why he isn't here today," he says.

   "Look, it's fine. As long as you didn't tell him," I inform him.

    "We good?"


     We sat and talked for the rest of the lunch period. We laughed and had a good time, and I found myself forgiving him completely.

     I felt a small tug at my heart when the bell rang, signaling that it was time to go. I wanted this to last forever.

    As I watched him leave, I realized that I only have 7 days left. It's already halfway done, and I don't think I'm anywhere close to saving him.

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