Blue represents comfort
I receive from you
Pacifying me
Is what you doGreen is for home
I feel in your embrace
You make me feel safe
In a lot of waysYellow is for joy
You bring to me
You make me smile
And laugh ceaselesslyWhite is for kindness
You show me every day
One of the things
That makes me want to stayViolet is for loyalty
A simple but rare gift
Your undoubted faithfulness
Won't cause a dire tiffOrange is for chivalry
Something I desire
Your gentlemanliness
Is what I most admireRed symbolizes love
Your greatest gift to me
The thing that I vow
To give back to theeMy life used to be
A dull shade of gray
Now with all the colors
You paint it every day
Sparks & Butterflies
PoetryWith these sparks and butterflies, I write for you the sweetest lines.