Chapter 1

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Year 1
I got three letters when I was eleven one from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, one from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and one from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was quite a surprise I didn't even know I was a wizard. I live with my mom and stepdad in America. My real father, Roger Deppen, is where I got the gene from. My grandma Effie was from the U.K. My grandpa Deppen (never knew his first because he died before I was born) was from the Netherlands. This is why I got three letters my family originates from three different places. My grandma Effie's side is the most famous, well not exactly famous more like well known. Her maiden name was Effie Gaunt a cousin of the most powerful dark wizard in the world.
When I got the letters my parents were completely clueless and thought that is was all just rubbish. So I called my half-brother on my Dad's side, C.J., and he explained to me that we were wizards. He came over the next day and explained to Mom and Odes, my step-dad, that these were real schools. He went to Ilvermorny, but that was the only letter he got. He found it odd that I got three letters, usually it doesn't matter where your family originates from just where you live. He recommended Hogwarts he said that it's the greatest Wizardly school in the world, and that he would have gone if given the choice. So I chose Hogwarts because I felt like I would fit in there.
Now I'm standing on platform 9 ¾ with my family about to board the train. "I will worry about you the whole time you're away," My Mom said. I smiled and gave her a loving hug.
I turned to Odes who I've started to call dad, "Good luck munchkin," he said with a big smile on his face. He has called me munchkin since I was six when him and mom started dating. I gave him a tight hug. Then gave my sister Megan a hug.
Finally I turned to C.J., and he said, "You'll do great, but I recommend that you don't tell everyone who Grandma was." This made sense, if I told everyone that I was related to the Dark Lord himself I would never make any friends. He reached behind him and grabbed what looked like a covered bird cage. And that's exactly what it was he uncovered it and a barn owl was perched inside. It was so beautiful, "A going away present." He placed the cage on my trolley and I gave him a big hug.
"Thank you so much," I said to him. The trains whistle blew and I was off. I searched the train for a seat and I came to a room with a blonde girl reading a book, who was a little on the chubby side, sat. "May I?" I asked trying to be polite.
She nodded barely glancing up from her book. I sat oppisite of he by the window with my new owl. She had a snowy owl in a cage next to her. "What's your owl name?" she asked setting her book down.
"I haven't named it yet my brother gave to me right before I boarded the train. By the way I'm Brittnie," I introduced myself and tried not to sound as nervous as I was.
"My name is Tori and it's a he not an it," She said motioning towards the owl with a little judgment in her tone.
I looked at the owl who was looking at me with his head tilted. "I think I'll name him Barnard, because he's a barn owl," I liked it. "What's your owls name?" I asked her.
"Quill because I like to draw and write," she said with pride.
"Cool I like to draw and I write too, but I absolutely love to read," I was glad we found common ground.
"Cool what's your favorite book?" She asked seeming eager to talk about books.
"It's a tie between Hate List and City of Heavenly Fire," I loved these two books even though they are complete oppisites.
"Really I love Cassandra Clare, and I love the last book she wrote Lady Midnight," she said rummaging through her bag and I did the same. We both pulled out copy's of Lady Midnight.
"I opened it to the title page, "I got my signed see."
Her eyes widened, "You got to meet her?" She sounded so shocked. "I thought she only did signings in America."
I chuckled a little, "I'm from America."
She looked confused, "Then how are you going to Hogwarts?" She asked.
"Because my Grandma is from the U.K." I explained, "And my grandpa is from the Netherlands so I also got a letter from Beauxbatons Academy. Of course I got one from Ilvermorny since I live in America."
"I've never heard of anyone who's gotten more than one letter let alone three," she said.
I shrugged, "I don't know why I got three, but chose Hogwarts so here I am." I wanted to change the subject so I asked, "So are you going out for quidditch?"
She looked at me like I was stupid, "No way first years never make it and plus I hate sports. Are you?" She asked.
"I was thinking about beater or seeker, but I think that I'd be a better beater because I played softball. I was the best hitter on the team, but I also played outfeild so I know how to catch stuff." This was one of the things I was really excited about. I've always been athletic, but this is a whole new challenge. The thing is that I'm kind of afraid of heights, but I'm willing to try and get over it.
"You have the body to be a beater. You have a wide build and you're quit muscular for a girl." This was true the girls at my Muggle school always made fun of the fact I had a manly build.
I nodded, "I think you're right." The train came to a stop and we filed out. We followed a huge man that introduced himself as Hagrid the games keeper. We took boats to the castle and met a professor name Nevil Longbottom. He explained that the sorting hat will put us into our houses. Then we enter the great hall. The other students were already seated and talking amongst themselves.
The hat had sorted 10 kids now, two Huffle Puff, four Griffindor, three Slytherin, and one Ravenclaw. "Victoria Johnson," said Professor Longbottom.
Tori tensed beside me. "Goodluck," I said and I knew that we wouldn't be in the same house. Even though we have a lot in common we have one big difference, our attitude.
She sat on the stool and Professor Longbottom put the hat on her head. It mumbled a little then said, "Slytherin," loudly. I saw her mouth say Oh Gosh. I smiled and waved at her.
"Brittnie Deppen," the Professor said. I walked up and sat on the chair. The hat was now on my head. It talked loudly louder than it did for Tori.
"Brilliant mind this one, and got excepted to three schools. Intelligent, athletic and driven. Quite a girl, but where to put you." It paused for a moment, "Ravenclaw." I felt myself smile just as C.J. predicted.
I took my seat next to a girl with dark brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. Next to her was a boy who looked just like her. She was the girl who got sorted into Ravenclaw right before Tori. "My names Laura and these are my brothers Kas and Jake," she said and motioned the the boy next to her as Kas and the boy across the table as Jake.
I smiled, "Brittnie nice to meet you," Kas caught my eye and smiled. Jake just nodded he seemed very serious.
After dinner Jake, who was headboy, lead everyone to the Ravenclaw common room. We learned that you have to solve a riddle before you can enter. This would be easy for me my Dad (Odes) always gave me riddles when we went on roadtrips, and I've gotten really good. I was rooming with three other first year girls: Laura, Bella, and Jessie. They seemed really nice Bella is very wild and Jessie is always reading educational books. Laura who told me that we are from now on going to be bestfriends is sort of inbetween. She's smart but doesn't show it off, she loves to play pranks on her brothers. Jake more than Kas, because he gets all flustered.
We all got settled in and I let Barnard out the window to stretch his wings. Then we went to bed.
In the morning I noticed a flyer in the common room that said that Quidditch tryouts were after lessons were over. I got really excited and asked if Laura was going to tryout. "No way I'm not going to be on the same team as both of my brothers," she said, "Plus everyone would say I got on just because Jake is capitain." Jake is a forth year and very set on being the best. He's the seeker. Kas is a Second year and is okay with being average as Laura says. He's the keeper and the youngest one at that. She warned me that I might not make it, but I didn't care I was still going to try.
The day flew by and I was standing at the Quidditch feild. I had to borrow a broom from the school because I didn't have one myself. I wasn't the only one though. "So what are you going out for?" Kas asked me.
"I was hoping for Beater," I said tying to sound strong.
"You're in luck because both of our Beaters graduated last year, but your not the only one wanting one of the spots. He pointed to a group of four boys and one girl.
"I guess I'll just have to be better than them," I said.
He chuckled, "Have you ever flown a broom before?" This kind of hurt my feelings.
"Yeah I've rode my brother's a few times it's not as hard as people think. I actually think it's easier than riding my horse." This was a lie it is easy but not that easy.
"Okay then you shouldn't have any problems with flying then, but you still have to hit the balls through those hoops without the keeper stopping it," he explained.
I nodded, "All you can do is try."
"Beaters get ready," Jake yelled from above. "You're next." He looked at the group then looked at Kas and I. I almost thought I saw a smile. All six of us got on our brooms and took off from the ground. "Lady's first both of you follow me. Your job is to protect your teammates and you can even gain us points by hitting a bludger through the one of the hoops." I saw Kas come up on his broom and take his place in front of the hoops. "Release the Bludgers," Jake yelled. I heard them before I saw them, two balls flew towards us. One was headed right towards Jake. With my club in my hand I flew forward and hit it towards the goals and away from Jake. "Impressive," He said. I heard a thump and saw one of the boys going out for a Chaser fall off his broom. The other bludger had hit him, because the girl couldn't get to it. I looked for the other one and It was heading for Kas. He hadn't noticed it yet, but I was flying towards him before I could even think. I knocked it away right before it would hit him. I looked for the other one knowing the other girl wouldn't be able to get it, and it was head towards one of the boys going out for a Beater also. I hit it and it flew right through one of the hoops. Kas looked impressed and this made me blush a little. "Okay I've seen enough next two."
I was kind of dissapointed to be done I really liked it. I hope I make the team. I stayed and watched the rest of tryouts and I wasn't very impressed with any of the other Beaters. Then I watched Jake chase the Golden Snitch he was lightning quick and I knew that I was definitely no cut out to be a Seeker. I watched Kas go against the Chasers. He didn't let much past him, I mean once and awhile one of the Chasers will get a lucky shot. I was just glad that we'll be on the same team if I make it. After everyone was done I was about to head towards the dorm when Jake yelled, "Brittnie you should stay and get a few shots with Kas actually Keeping."
I smiled and grabbed my broom, "Sure that would be great." He only let out one bludger seeing I was the only one. I hit the bludger again and again. Kas just kept blocking it and hitting it towards me or Jake. Jake always scowled at him for doing it, but I never let it hit him. That it is the main goal of a Beater, but I really wanted to get it passed Kas. He wasn't budging and I was getting tired.
"It's getting late we should probably clean up and head to the dorm. I've got some homework to do," Kas said looking at the sky.
"Yeah I guess, but the question is. Who's going to catch the Bludger?" we all looked at the ball flying around.
"Nose goes," I said touching my nose. Jake looked at Kas and I with a confused expression. We both had our fingers on our noses. We laughed as Jake figured it out.
"That is so not fair," he said with half smile. Even though he wasn't happy about he wrestled the Bludger into its case and I put away all the brooms people borrowed. Kas put up all his Keeper gear. When we were all done we only had fifteen minutes until we had to be at dinner. It took us only ten to get to the great hall, but I could tell that we were still one of the last ones to get there.

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