Damian Wayne x Reader [female]

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Title: Short Fetus

(Y/N) is your name
(L/N) is last name

A/N I really like the song so I put it in. You should listen to it!

"Hey smol!" (Y/N) shouted when she walked in the room. She ruffled Damian's black hair.

"I am not small (L/N). You are just tall." He was actually right. While Damian was 5'6, (Y/N) was a height of 6'3. That's pretty tall for her age. Considering that she was fourteen and not done growing.

"Aww you're so adorable and tiny Dami!" She squeaked as he blushed.

"I'm not adorable or small! Stop poking fun at me (L/N)!"

"Ok ok I get it. Fetus." She murmurs the last part.

"What did you just call me?!"


"I hate you (L/N)."

"Aww you know you love me Dami."

And he actually did love her. They both loved each other.

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