7.He treats you badly

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Harry – You woke up in the morning to find that Harry hadn’t come to bed the night before. You knew he had been on a night out with the boys so you presumed they all would have slept on the couches downstairs to avoid disturbing you. You reached for your phone sleepily to check the time only to discover you had hundreds and hundreds of twitter messages. Most of them being links to a gossip column, you opened them and the headline was “Harry’s up to no good, feeling up girls in a club with Y/N no where in sight. It was only a matter of time before the infamous womanizer got bored with playing house and went out in search of a new love interest. We wonder how Y/N is taking this devastating blow…” you threw your phone across the bed without reading the rest of the article, you were absolutely livid. You looked at the pictures and you were sure he hadn’t been cheating; it just looked like he gotten a bit over friendly with a fan. It doesn’t bother you when Harry hugs or kisses fans or anything, but to be photographed in a club with his hands all over another girl? All that did was make you look stupid, make him look like he was cheating, and it also leads to an avalanche of twitter hate to the both of you. You dragged yourself out of bed and went down to the kitchen to find all the boys sitting round table. “Good morning” you smiled. “Morning Y/N,” Niall said, “hope we didn’t wake you up when we got in” he said smiling up at you. “No not at all, I slept right through the night surprisingly” you laughed, “Harry can I speak to you for a minute?” “Sure babe”, Harry got up and followed you through to the living room and you pulled your phone out to show him the article and the pictures. “Y/N are you serious?” he asked, starting to get angry, “are you accusing me of cheating on you? Is that what you’re trying to say?” he was shouting at you and you heard all the boys fall silent in the next room. “No Harry,” you said getting equally as angry “I’m just sick of you getting photographed with your hands all over other girls all the time, I understand that you like to engage with your fans but photos like this make me look fucking stupid, make you look like you’re cheating on me, and result in us both receiving abuse from the media and twitter for weeks, I’m just asking you to be more careful when you’re out”. By this point the boys had made their way through to the living room, “is everything alright?” Liam asked before Harry starting shouting at you again, “Oh for fuck sake Y/N, you can’t tell me what to do, if I’m in a club and a girl asks me for a photo what? Do you want me to say no?” You took a deep breath to stop yourself from yelling back and spoke calmly “Harry that’s not what I said and you know it, so stop twisting my words.” He laughed in your face only making you even angrier, “you’re so fucking clingy, you know that right? You can’t tell me what to do Y/N, why don’t you just fuck off away from me if you’re so unhappy with this relationship?” he shouted at you getting right up in your face before Zayn grabbed his shoulder “Look Harry mate, why don’t you just calm dow…” “Forget it Zayn,” interrupted him, “I was just leaving anyway,” you said before you stormed back up to your bedroom, tears stinging your eyes. You couldn’t believe he had called you clingy! All you were trying to do was protect your relationship from the media but he didn’t even seem to care.

Liam – You were sitting on the hospital bed with Perrie by your side holding your hand and starting at the monitor, Liam was devastated he couldn’t make it to the scan but management had been very firm when they told him that there were compulsory rehearsals that day, no exceptions. You told him it was fine and that you’d just ask one of the girls to go with you and Perrie was more than happy to attend. She was practically bouncing up and down in her seat with excitement. “Twins?!” she yelled, “she’s having twins?” The doctor giggled at her excitement, “yes, Y/N is having twins, I’ll give you a moment to get yourself dressed and I’ll see you again in 8 weeks for your second scan” the doctor smiled at you before leaving the room. “Oh my god Y/N” Perrie squealed, “are you not so excited?” she asked smiling at you. “Yeah I guess,” you giggled nervously, “I don’t know if Liam will be though, he was nervous and stressed when we thought it was one baby, never mind two” you said. “Oh I’m sure he’ll be delighted Y/N” Perrie reassured you as you both walked out the hospital, you placed the sonogram picture in your purse thinking about how you were going to tell Liam that the one baby you thought you were having was actually two babies. You thanked Perrie for coming with you to the hospital and decided to go and visit Liam at rehearsals with some lunch and maybe try to tell him the news about the pregnancy and show him the sonogram. You walked into the arena and saw Liam sitting away from all the other boys with his head in his hands. You walked over to him “Hey babe,” you said cautiously, not wanting to scare him, “how’s it going? I thought I’d visit you with some lunch” you said smiling. He half smiled back “thanks, but I’m not hungry” he said in reply. Your face fell as you looked at him; he looked dreadful, so pale and tired. “Is everything okay?” you asked. “I guess so, I’ve just had a pretty shit rehearsal, I kept messing everything up, but it will be fine” he replied, “how was the scan?” he asked perking up at bit. “About that,” you began, “I have something to tell you”. “What is it Y/N? Is everything okay?” he looked at you, eyes filled with concern. “Yeah, yeah don’t worry” you said quickly, “it’s just that today, I was told that we’re actually having twins” you said smiling at him and waiting for a reaction, only the reaction you received was nothing like what you expected, you had expected him to be a bit nervous or scared, but still excited, what you received was completely different. “Are you serious?” he asked, the smile disappearing from his face “two babies? We can’t handle two babies” he was starting to get angry now “just as I thought this day couldn’t get any worse” he whispered. “Liam, that’s your children you’re talking about” you said starting to a get a little hurt by his tone. “Well Y/N, you knew I didn’t really want a baby to begin with so I don’t know why you’re so shocked with this reaction” he was on his feet now, shouting in your face and you could see the other boys walking over to see if everything was okay, “you knew I was having a bad day and now you come in here with this ‘good news’ and you’re just making everything worse, can you please just leave? Just fuck off and leave me alone” he shouted and you got up and walked away just as the boys arrived, not wanting them to see the tears that were now freely flowing down your cheeks.

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