8.He treats you badly part 2

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Harry – I was absolutely furious, Y/N had made me feel like such a bad person and a cheater just for taking a picture with a fan on a night out. What did she want me to do? Say no? Well I’m not about to start doing that so she’s just going to have to get used to it. I turned around to go back into the kitchen to be faced with the rest of the boys standing looking at me with very disappointed looks on their faces. “What?” I asked annoyed. “Don’t you think that was a bit out of line Harry?” Zayn asked looking at me angrily now. “You shouldn’t have spoken to her like that, there was no need to shout, and no need to call her clingy either. Perrie would slap the shit out of me if I was ever to call her clingy”. I looked at him and the rest of the boys in disbelief “are you seriously taking her side over mines? All I did was take a picture with a fan!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Yeah mate, we know, but you were drunk and you did have your hands all over her, Y/N even says that she knows you didn’t cheat but you did make her look like a bit of a mug” Liam replied shortly, “and it’s not even the first time this kind of picture of you has surfaced is it? We’re not trying to have a go but imagine how you would feel if pictures of Y/N all over other guys were being shown in the tabloids every week? I think we all know that you’d go mental mate, all she asked you to do was to be a bit more careful, she could have been a lot worse. If I were you I’d march upstairs and apologize right now.” I looked at all the boys as they nodded in agreement. As much as I hated to admit it, they were right, I began to think about how I would feel if I saw even one picture of Y/N all over another guy. I looked at the floor, unable to take the four sets of disappointed eyes staring me down any longer. I shuffled past them and began to make my way upstairs to try and get my girlfriend to forgive me. I knocked on the door and pushed it open without waiting for a reply. Y/N was sitting curled up on our bed sniffling, if I didn’t feel bad before, I definitely did now. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed not touching her. “Get away from me Harry, surely you’d want to put as much distance between the two of us as you could seeing as I’m so clingy” she sniffed again and moved across the bed, as far away from me as possible without actually falling on the floor. I sighed as I began to feel even worse, “Y/N I’m sorry for getting mad” I sighed and she sat up abruptly, “and for swearing at me, and for calling me clingy and for being an asshole in general” she said angrily before flopping back down on the bed. “I know babe, I’m really sorry, I’ll try to be more careful on nights out, the guys made me see things from your point of view, I would be furious if I saw a photo of you all over another guy” I said as I crawled into bed beside her and cautiously put my arms around her waist, when she didn’t resist I pulled her into me nuzzling my face into her neck and smelling her hair. “Apology accepted” she said shortly, “but I mean it Harry, can you please try and be more careful about what you’re photographed doing? I’m getting really tired of being in the tabloids every week”. “Of course babe,” I replied, “I’ll make sure I’m more careful in future, I love you so much”. She turned round so she was facing me again and I wiped the tears away from her cheeks before pressing my lips against hers and before I could pull away she had grabbed hold of my face and was deepening the kiss and forcing her tongue in between my lips. “You better be, and I love you too” she laughed as she pulled away, “come on, let’s go downstairs and sit with the boys” she said pulling me out of bed and down the stairs behind her.

Liam – I sat back down starting to feel my chest growing tight as I began to worry about anything and everything. I couldn’t get anything right in rehearsals, we were leaving for tour soon, my girlfriend is pregnant with twins and I had just yelled at her and caused her to walk away from me crying. I went to get up only to have a firm hand push me back down into my seat. I looked up and realized all four of the boys were standing over me and Harry was the one pushing me down into my seat. “What’s going on?” I asked, confused. “What the fuck was that Liam?” Harry asked angrily. “Please tell me I did not just see you shout at your pregnant girlfriend to the point where she left the arena crying” he said staring at me furiously as the other boys nodded in agreement with him. “Look Harry,” I replied, “you wouldn’t understand, now can you please get out my way,” I said starting to get a bit angry myself. “No Liam, I think I do understand. Y/N is carrying your baby; you don’t get to just lose your temper with her when you’re having a bad day? I mean do you really even love her? I wouldn’t treat a pregnant girlfriend that I love like that, mate”. I felt like such an asshole, but was absolutely furious at Harry’s comment, “how fucking dare you tell me I don’t love Y/N” I said standing up to face him. I was about to continue shouting when I heard a voice from the back of the arena “WHAT THE FUCK LIAM?” I turned round to see Perrie storming over to me looking about ready to punch somebody. “When you’re girlfriend visits you at rehearsals to tell you she is having twins you’re supposed to act happy and excited. You’re not supposed to get angry, stress her out and tell her to fuck off! What is wrong with you?” Perrie was standing right underneath me now, shouting in my face and glaring at me with fire in her eyes. “Y/N is just as worried about having two babies as you are, you’re supposed to support her you asshole, not let her run away from you crying”. The guys were looking at me in complete shock now. “Aw Liam mate, you are so, so, so out of line” Louis said looking at me with sheer disappointment in his eyes “go and find Y/N now and apologize” he said but I was already reaching for my jacket, desperate to go and find her and make things right. I reached our flat to find Y/N sitting in the living room with tears streaming down her face. ‘Y/N, baby, I’m so sorry I said as I fell to my knees in front of her”. I expected her to shout at me but instead she threw herself into my arms crying even harder as she rested her head on my shoulder. “Liam, I needed you to support me and you didn’t, I’m just as scared as you are” she sobbed. “I know, I know babe, I’m so sorry for the way I acted, I was so stressed and I know that is no excuse, but I really need you to know how sorry I am and that I’ll always be there for you no matter what you need” I pulled away from the hug and held her face in my hands before pressing my lips against hers. “And I can’t wait for the two baby Paynes to arrive”. She smiled at me, “I’m so glad you feel that way, I was beginning to worry we’d split up over this” she said sadly. “Are you kidding Y/N, I’d never split up with you, I love you more than anything in the world” I said pulling her into my arms again, “plus, I’d be too worried about what Perrie would ever do to me if I did” I said and she laughed before playfully punching me in the arm. “Anyway, do you want to see the sonogram or not?” she asked smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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