Chap-1 : My Happy Family

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The cover is made by The_First_Symphony and the description is also by her. Thank you so much for the amazing cover and the description...

Hey friends...this is my first story so please forgive me if there's any mistake and if you find any mistake or something raw then feel free to say...comment what you feel and if you like it then please hit the star button below...Enjoy



Lilly's P.O.V.

Do you know what's the most irritating thing in the whole world? Well its none other than your sweet and charming alarm clock and it's more sweet in the morning when it bursts out laughing. An enchanting laugh that says to you 'come on sweetheart, wake up good morning'. This is the most irritating thing science has ever made.

I tried to switch it off but a hand snatched it from my grasp. I slightly opened my eyes to see and there, it was my lovely brother, Luke. Well he is even more lovely when he wakes me up.

I glared at him and turned my head pulling my blanket up as he snatched it off and threw it on the ground.

He switched the clock off for which I'm glad and placed it on the table. He cleared his throat and said grabbing the blanket," Come on Lilly wake up or do you want me to call mom."

Rest of the time he is all great and charming but god knows what happens to him in the morning. I hid my face and closed my eyes," Let me sleep for just 5 mins. I'll be up. You go." And then all of a sudden he grabbed my arm and pulled me up. And now I'm standing here. Now don't ask me what was that. It happens daily.

I pouted at him and he just smiled wide means I failed. "Just go and fresh yourself up, it's already 7:20. And when you are done come downstairs." And he went. Wow! I told you, my brother's really lovely.

I went inside the bathroom and saw my reflexion in the mirror. I sighed as my hair was looking like a nest. "Good morning Lilly. Get ready fast or your brother's gonna kill you" I said as I smiled at my reflextion. I took a short shower and changed myself in a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tank top. I came out and started rubbing my hair with a towel to make it dry cause I don't prefer hair dryers. I thought of keeping it open so that it gets dry. I have long deep brown hair which reaches till my waist so of course, it'll take time.

I applied some kajal and lipbalm and went downstairs. I'm really not a makeup girl. As I reached there I saw Rose, Jess and Ally smiling at me, I smiled back. Luke was eating a bowl of cereals while my father was reading the newspaper.

"Oh you're up Sleeping beauty?" my mom said coming out from the kitchen. Oh she never leaves any chance to poke me. I got my deep brown hair from her. She has short hair unlike me and she lookes really young. No doubt she is really beautiful unlike me. Well I don't know I'm beautiful or not. My dad says I'm beautiful but whose dad doesn't say that.

"Yes mom and I don't sleep that much though but I would love to." I said as she rolled her eyes. "Good morning girls" I said as I went to the girls and hugged them. They are my only friends. I have two uncles. Jess is uncle Robin's only daughter and Rose and Ally are uncle Dustin's daughters. We always go to each other's house to pick each other up as we are in the same school. I love them very much.

I went to my father and kissed him in the cheek and hugged him," Good morning dad." He smiled and hugged me back," Good morning sweetheart." He is the best dad I can ever ask for. He is 6'2 and he is really handsome. And he looks even more handsome with his blue eyes. If you ask me to write about my dad I can write a whole book. He has always loved me and Luke equally. Even the girls are also like me for him.

"You never hug me like that dad, it's cheating" Luke complained with a mouth full of cereals. We all laughed. Well despite the fact, how he wakes me up in the morning, he is totally adorable. He doesn't go to gym but a normal morning jog and some pushups are enough for him. He has black hair which is in a mess right now. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a light blue denim shirt. He has hazel blue eyes which is so beautiful. I always wanted eyes like him but I'm happy with what I have.

I went to my mom and hugged her to which he replied with a small pat. I hugged my brother from the back and wispered in his ear," Don't worry brother, one day you'll have someone to hug you as much as you want". As he gave me a playful smirk. I patted him and gave him the 'don't worry she will come soon' look to which he smiled shyly. Aww! I love him. I pinched his cheek as he pulled my hair playfully. All laughed at this.

"Don't you dare touch my hair" I playfully warned him and he replied while serving me some cereals,"Don't you dare touch my cheeks."

"Aww...not gonna happen"I said taking my cereals from him.

"Same to you" he replied.

We finished our breakfast at 7:50. I took my bag and flung it over my shoulder. "Come on girls. Time to go" I said tying my laces.

Then the girls came with Luke and he said," Oh!! Going for a war! Good luck!!" And there he got an elbow from Jess. And a small smirk plasttered on my face.

"Shut up brother" I said as I opened the door and ran towards Ally's car. I took the passenger seat. Ally sat on the driver seat while the rest two got the back seat.

Luke waved from the door as we did the same. "So" I said as the girls smiled at me," Let's do it." I don't know why we get so excited when we go to school like it's our fisrt day. Leave it! Ally started and yelled," School, we're coming." And there we go...


So this was the first chap of TUL. I hope you liked it. Please comment what you feel and if you liked it please hit the star below...

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