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Unedited sorry, hope you enjoy!


"I can't believe that you're able to put up with him! I barely spent five minutes with the guy and I wanted to fling myself from the tower." Tony Stark slurred, slightly tipsy.

"Wade just argues and flirts most of the time. Mostly flirts though." Peter smiled slightly, recalling his patrols with Deadpool. This made Tony annoyed, that the Mercenary had the balls to flirt with his son, even if Peter was in his mid-twenties now.

Spider-man and Deadpool had been placed together on missions for the better part of five years. Tony nor Steve liked that one bit although Steve made an attempt to convince his husband that their son knows what he's doing and that he'll be fine.

Peter was supposed to be visiting his Dads at Stark tower but duty called for the Captain. He sat close to his Dad, talking about everything and anything when Clint and Natasha stumbled into the room, pushing and shoving as if they were children again. That speculation ended when the fight got less playful.

Moments later a stressed looking Bruce ran in and dived between the two master assassins threatening them with a "If you don't stop fighting worse things will happen". That stopped them instantly.

Peter couldn't tell if it would be brave or plain stupid to try and throw a punch when Bruce Banner was standing in the way. He decided it was very stupid.

"It's getting dark now Dad, I'm going to start patrolling. Tell Pops I said hi." Peter said his goodbyes and made his way for the nearest bathroom to get changed.


Spider-Man sat on a table down in the infirmary at Stark tower, he'd been lightly stabbed by a crook enhanced with mutant powers while he was out on duty. He'd been stitched up and was ready to leave.

"Tough night?" Clint asked, walking into the room. He hadn't expected anyone he knew to come in since it was very early in the morning but Clint looked wide awake.

Peter looked around skeptically to make sure no one was around before taking off his mask so Clint could understand him, "More like a weird night. An hour in, something happened to Wade which caused him to suffocate to 'death'. Then I got stabbed without my Spidey sense going off until after it was too late. We caught the mutant who did it and I sent Wade off to deal with the girl."

"Deal with? You trust that mercenary to bring her in?" Clint asked rhetorically. "Why do you even let him patrol with you?"

Peter flinched a bit at how loud Clint's voice had gotten, usually he was used to it but Peter was very tired.

"He makes good company." Peter shrugged.

"Wait, did I miss-read or did you just say that Deadpool... was good company?" Clint looked on the verge of laughter as if waiting for Peter to say that he was joking. But Peter was serious.

"No, that's what I said." Peter answered flatly. All signs of laughter were wiped from Clint's face as he stared at Peter like he was an alien.

"I thought you couldn't stand him? You're always saying how annoying he is..." He drifted off, Peter thought he looked like he was trying to solve the worlds hardest maths equation.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Peter smirked. He'd probably regret telling Clint later but he was too tired to care. Clint nodded in anticipation.

"Married couples often get annoyed with each other."

"Come again?" Clint raised his eyebrows, not understanding.

"Wade and I are married, dude" Peter smiled brightly.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!!" A very familiar voice yelled from the hallway.

"Oh no, oh $&@/" Peter whispered under his breath, "Hi Pop! How was your mission?" He cursed to himself in several languages as he watched his father go bright red in anger.

"Lol bye, congrats on the wedding!" Clint skipped out avoiding the fuming Captain America.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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