The 11th Letter - Chapter Five

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I look at this letter thinking what could be written on to it. I still couldn't believe, Is this really it? The letter that appeared on my dream? The letter that has been bugging my thoughts through the whole morning? Only one way to find out. I sit down on the last step of the stairs, this yellow envelope. I prepare myself for what I'm about to see. I close my eyes as I open the envelope and take it out—unfurling the letter, I open my eyes and look at it. It's been a long time since I saw her handwriting, those twist and turns of a cursive font. I read the letter, it says

Dear Johan,
It's been a while since we've talked. I know we didn't understand each other last time we had a real conversation—I, too am confused really. And I'm sorry for that okay, I'm sorry that I couldn't feel the way I used to for you, I'm sorry that I couldn't understand the situation the way you see it and I'm sorry that I broke out everything from my mind when we last talked. You need to understand before our fight I've been getting through somethings, serious things, you know that. I get why you're mad at me, I know what I did, I tried pushing you out of my way for a moment, the reason is I did that to think through my life but I realized I don't know how to fix this. Things are complicated alright? I just want you to know I don't blame you.
     I'm just tired of somethings. "Which one?" You might ask—Change? Time? Oblivion? All those actually. Because in time people change—whether it's for the better or for worse, for that your paths alter and because of that it affects oneself and the people around them like a person traveling through the wilderness with a group of people without a map nor navigation—they tend to get lost in the forest, you don't know where to go because of the unpredictability of what's ahead and what's around you, even if you do know where to go, things can appear and interrupt with your journey unsuspected. That's what happens when those three factors gets inside your life, you try to avoid them because you feel them, if you're sensitive enough to see the differences of course, it affects your life but as much as you do try to get away from it, you can't. All of them are unavoidable, that's that. It's the only thing that you need to accept actually.
Look Johan I know you, your special guy, your not like some others out there I've met, you're different and I noticed that way before. You've brought me to look at the world in a different perspective. The world is unpredictable in various ways as you say, everything can be seen in a analogy like what you do. Can I request something from you?  Please don't ever change. Let not that guy I had fun with go away. I won't forget all those moments we had with each other, our mischiefs, and our adventures but I think it's time maybe for us to go separate ways. Maybe it's for the best for us. If only I learned how to love a person like you, maybe things won't be like this, maybe things would be perfect, but it looks like it's too late for that, everything is topsy-turvy right now. If I could turn things around again like it used to be I would.
     Before I end this I want you to know that I have left letters for you, letters of everything you need to know, my thoughts and everything about our time together. I know you're confused so that's why I left you the letters, it'll explain some things, not all just some questions I know you might ask. I want you to find them, collect them, and don't lose them alright? Their important. I have given you hints around the places we spent with each other, each hint will take you to the next and each letter you could find will take to the other. The first clue is hidden here on this, let me see if you can spot it. To ask how many letters there are? I've put a a diagram below. You're a smart guy, you're good at chemistry, I know you'd get it. For the last time, I wish you good luck, I hope you find all the letters and promise me you won't give up. Now I guess this is goodbye Johan Wolf, farewell.

From your friend,
Lara Henderson

A diagram is drawn on the wide space below the body of the letter. Interconnected hexagons with elements representing each end of the shape, I'm not that familiar to it but it does looks like a chemical structure. As much as the diagram confuses me with what she's trying to say, there is something on the it that has caught my eyes, one element has been encircled, Na—Sodium. A series of numbers can be seen upside down below the diagram. The numbers are placed like

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