Can You Feel My Heart?

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"Lana! Wake up, you have to get ready for school." Was the first thing I hear when I wake up. I sighed checking my phone, it was 6:30 a.m. When I got on to Twitter I saw all the hate post from people in my school mates. Go kill your self, You're a waste of space, Did you slit your wrist yet?. It was the usual stuff I got. I'm not normal, I have baby pink hair, I always wear black, listen to different music, I smoke, drink, I play guitar, and I'm only 15. My family doesn't have a lot of money. I have three siblings, two younger than me. They are twins named Alec and Amy, they are five years old. Then I have an older sister that is twenty one named Lauren. My mom is single and has been sense I was ten. Our dad left when the twins were born. I still remember everything about him. His face, his laugh, he was my best friend and I was heartbroken when I found out that he left. Now I am just pissed. My mom has to have two full time jobs. A day shift and a night shift, which means five hours of sleep a night. She gets weekends off but sleeps most of the time. Lauren and I take care of the twins.

Lauren is married to my brother in law Sean. They live in an apartment just down the road. They have to live close to us so Lauren can take care of the kids while I am at school. Sean has a job in the oil industry, he has a week home every two months. Lauren does medical billing and works from home. I have a job at a small dinner called Jack's down the road. I work weekends when Lauren has work off. The money I earn is what I am saving for my own car. I decided to finally get ready for school. I grabbed some clothes and got into the shower. As soon as I was ready I headed down stare's to find Lauren sitting down with the twins, breakfast ready. I grabbed a muffin and an apple and headed out the door. As I was walking to school I saw four moving trucks to the house next to ours. It was cold outside so I put on my Bring Me The Horizon pullover and lit a cigarette. When I was close to the school a car pulled up besides me. I looked over to find Jocelyn and her crew.

They threw their Starbucks at me and drove away laughing. I stood in shock for a few minutes. Then I took off my wet sticky hoodie and threw it in my back pack. When I got into the school everyone started whispering and laughing. I sighed and went to my locker getting everything I needed. I was walking to my first period class when I bumped intro Jocelyn. She slammed my books out of my hand and pushed me up against the locker. "Now you're gonna get it." I finally had enough. "I don't give a fuck." I regretted that right when I felt a fist come in contact with my right eye, but it didn't stop there. I was kicked to the ground and it just got worse. When they were finally done I ran into the bathroom and checked out the damage. My hair was a mess, I had a black eye, a busted lip and a bruised cheek. I decided to just go home. I ran all the way home and saw movement next door, but it was blurry through my tears.

When I got inside I ran into my room ignoring Lauren's calls to get me to stay. When I got into my room I put my iPod onto the stereo and opened up my 'saving' play list. I turned it up to where it went through the whole house and I opened up my window to light a cigarette. You could hear the music get even louder. My sister knew to leave me alone when I'm upset. I finished smoking and pulled out a little box on the top of my closet that held my blades. No one knew I cut. I made six cuts on my left arm and seven on my right. I cleaned up and decided to go on a walk to my secret place in the woods. As soon as I walked down stares Lauren saw my face and gasped. I sped out of the house listening to savior by Black Veil Brides. As soon as I was outside I lit another cigarette. Looking down I was walking when I bumped into someone. I said sorry and tried to keep walking.

I felt some one grab my arm. The fresh cuts had come open again and started bleeding through my sleeves. I heard several gasps and started running to my secret spot. I heard several footsteps following me and I ran faster. As soon as I got into the wood I ran to my secret spot and fell down out of breath. I heard tree limbs cracking and knew they were gonna find me. I sighed and lit another cigarette. I heard foot steps behind me and felt a presence beside me. I felt someone grab my arms lifting up my hoodie to reveal all of the cuts and scars. I closed my eyes and felt someone embrace me into a hug. It was a man. He was whispering comforting words. I sighed and relaxed into his embrace. I started to cry, and I felt more arms come into the embrace. I heard humming and a voice I knew very well sing the words I needed to hear. "Darling you'll be okay." I gasped looking up to find my saviors.

Thanks for reading my new story! If you like go check out my other one called A Little Piece Of Heaven. Please comment, like, and vote.

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