Meeting Orson

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Even if she did get to Orson before me, I knew I didn't have anything to fear from Kathy. I mean, I'm way prettier, and I'm not bragging, it's just a fact. She may be the head cheerleader and all, but that's nothing more than a title, it really doesn't mean a thing. And unlike what you'd think, the captain of the football team, Zane, isn't into her, not even one bit. 

Here he is

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Here he is. Good looking, but not my type.   

Guess who he likes by the way? 

Correct. Yours truly. He was quite persistent actually, but I wasn't interested. It ticked Kathy off so much when she heard he was flirting with me. So she did what she does best. She spread rumors about me. Claiming that I was a promiscuous girl, who has slept with over 20 guys, and I'm still looking for more. Some people were stupid enough to believe it, but most of them didn't. I never acted on it though, because I have many other things on my mind, I don't have time for her.

The most annoying thing, is when she smiles to me like I'm her best friend. How could she seriously believe I didn't know she was behind the rumors? Anyway, I may be prettier but you never know. I thought Orson might be the kind of guy who doesn't care about looks, so just to be sure, I had to get her out of the way. 

"I won't beat around the bush my dear Kelly-" I said once I pulled her to a corner, as a Machiavellian plan formed in my mind. 

"Um," she let out a little frustrated laugh. "Shannon, I told you, it's Kathy."

"Yeah, whatever," I've never given her the pleasure of hearing my voice pronounce her name. "Orson? Don't even think about it OK?"

"Excuse me?" She said, she can be a bit slow sometimes.

"Look for someone else," I rephrased slowly. "How about Quincey?"

"Huh?" She frowned as her brain processed what I was saying. "Are you crazy? He'd never want me."

"What? You? Of course he would!" I reassured her with a fake smile. 

Now to fully understand where I was going with this, you have to know that Quincey is somehow more popular than Zane himself. Don't ask me why, I have no clue. 

Well... Actually... To be fair, Quincey is very handsome. No no, I am not complimenting him. It's just a fact. But other than that, maybe it has something to do with the inapproachable aura around him? Not that he's completely inapproachable, he's friends with Zane for example, Kenneth and him have fun together, he has a lot of guy friends. However, and I don't know if it's on purpose, Quincey doesn't mingle with girls, the only one he's close to, the only one he has eyes for, is Tiffany. I guess that's what makes him attractive to some? The mysterious one who is impossible to have?  

Bleh, whatever. Back to me. I knew for a fact that he did not like Kathy, because she's superficial, selfish and all. So, if I could somehow get Kathy to believe that Quincey was into her, and make her publicly ask him out, he'd reject her, she falls apart, he's labeled a terrible guy, and I kill two birds with one stone. Ah, perfect isn't it? 

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