Four Months Later

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Four Months Later


This has been the best four months of my life with Sam, Richie, Ben, and myself. Richie and I have gone on so many dates. Not formal but just nice. He's brought me to the beach to watch the sun set and swim for a little. That one was number one on my list. We have also had another pranking war. But this time it was Richie and me against Ben and Sam. It was really fun. It went on for a week not just the weekend. Richie and I tee peed both Sam and Ben's house. Then they got us back by covering both my room and Richie's with silly string. It took me forever to get it all out of my room. I think I still find silly string my room sometimes. 

Right now I was sitting in my room with Sam typing a new story. Over these four months we were able to get two of the four books published. The other three were still being looked at. We ended the series and started writing a summer camp book. It has a lot of hits on it. 

"Rosie I'm hungry."

"Sam where do you wanna go?"

"Umm I don't know somewhere where I don't have to get dressed and no boyfriends aloud because they come everywhere with us!"

"Okay.. Yeah they kind of do. I wonder if they get annoyed with us too."

"Probably. I mean if we do they do too, right?"

"Haha I don't know."

We got into my car and drove down to pizza hut. We ordered to go and we were going to watch Friends With Kids and The Last Song. We both loved these two movies. But knowing us we wouldn't finish watching both we would fall asleep during The Last Song. 

When we arrived at my house Richie and Ben we out back in Richie's pool. Sam and I ran to ease drop. 

"Do you think the girls get annoyed how hang out a lot?" Richie asked.

"Maybe sometimes. I mean they don't get their Sam and Rosie time anymore. Maybe we should tone it down a bit."

"Yes please do. I miss my best friend." Sam whispered so only I could hear her.

"Yeah sure. Like lets not be attached to the hip anymore. Give them there space because I don't want to loose Rosie over me being too clingy. You know?" Richie advised.

"Aww how sweet, love you babe" I whispered.

"Did you hear that?"Ben asked

Before they could get to our fence we made a run for my back door. We got there in time because they looked clue lees when they saw no one there. Good. We plugged in Friends With Kids. We laughed a lot throughout the movie. ( I don't know if that movie is funny sooo) When it was over we put in The Last Song. I was balling my eyes out. It was such a cute movie but so sad at the same time. We ate both pizza boxes with help form my mom and my brother. When the movie was over we trudged up to my room to have our girl talk and go to bed.

"Sam you know you like my best friend right."

"HAH yes ever since we were born. Why?"

"Well I actually don't know what I would do without you." I informed her

"Aww don't get all sappy with me. I would never leave you. I will be here until we get married and have kids of our own. We will be next door neighbors. Our kids will be best friends and if they are boy and girl they will get married. Haha."

"Oh my god yes! Then if their girls we'll make sure they match everything and be just like us." I said. I gave same a big hug.

we kept rambling about our kids and families. 

"Remember when we first started actually being friends we used to always make sure we matched like everything from head to toe. Good old days" Sam said while laughing.

"hah yes. We should do that again tomorrow. Like hair, make-up, outfit,nails, and shoes!" I said.

"Yes! Well I'm going to sleep. Night love ya!" Sam replied.

"Love ya too" I said before rolling over to go to sleep.


Hey hey! Coming to an end. Next chapter will be four years later hah. Well thanks for almost 500 reads! :*

It means a lot


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