5 More about Becky

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After my vist with Matthew. I was exhausted. Nurse blondie, I mean Nurse Becky came back to my room. She explained to me that she understood now why I had the wrong name on my chart. Aparently upper management wanted to keep this a secret as we were the first intermarried couple. When news gets out back on Earth its going to cause a lot of issues. But hopefully for the better. Nemowon sopporters will eat this news up. Its a step in a combing our worlds.

Becky also congratulated me on my marriage. Still wierd thinking im married. I hope I remember soon.

Becky being a volunteer for the hybrid program and a nurse allows her to work with the new mothers. She loves her job. Her hybrid baby was in day care. She was under a year old. Complications took her first two babies lives. Still she was excited to help.

As a volunteer. She doesn't know her baby's father. All the Nemowon men donated DNA and were not notified if they had successful offsping. The point of being there was to save thier society and increase the population with hybrid women. All the volunteer mothers were taken care of and compensated. Due to most of the human population being hateful towards the Nemowon's the new mothers stay abord the large ship that was stationed outside the Earth's orbit. To be on earth looking up at it, it looked like a second moon. More matalic silver but large and round. Reminding some people os a certian movies death destroyer. But the Nemowon's were on a mission of hope. Becky stated thats where we were. The smaller ships hovering just above the ground on Earth were the workers and missionarys. There are a few Nemowons that live on Earth but in embassies for thier protection.

The Nemowon's have been on earth for a while now. Many people still hate them. But they are becoming normal to see in our everyday lives. We dont freak out anymore when we see them. Few even have fans that follow them. Like celebrities. Ive been a fan since thier arrival.

Nemowon's have a cure for most of earths ailments. Including cancer. But earthens didn't like the trade off. Nemowans wanted rights to live on earth as any other person can. And to naturally blend with humans. But because most governments were leary of this new alien species. They were not allowed to just move on in. So women were volunteering to become mothers in secret for a trade. Usually someone in the family was sick. So they secretly sought out the aliens to make this offer or trade. Other women just waited to help the cause or were having difficulty getting pregnant.

See the Nemowon's are amazing with thier medical advancements. They could make just about any women with a womb pregnant. They had to make this advancements for when they found a world that was compatible, they would be prepared. The only problems were the nasty side effects. And even though they can make you pregnant some babies just did not make it to delivery.

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