Chapter 1

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"Lyla! Please stop trying to escape" Jason exclaimed. But seriously what does he expect me to so, I've been locked up in the palace since I was born, I'm not even allowed out on the grounds because of the fear that i will be attacked. "Jason, I'm bored i want

to go outside its not fair; how am i meant to save the Fae if I'm not even allowed outside more than once a day.It's not such a big request is it?" I replied wearily. "Yes it is if you get caught by the bloodsuckers you'll be no good to us." said my mum as she walked into the room. But seriously it makes no sense at as how am I meant to save the Fae from the vamps if I have never interacted with one. I asked my mum that very question and do you know what her answer was? That I would know what to do to save the Fae at the time I was supposed to do it, as if that's going to work. However I gave up gracefully, NOT, Jasmine don't you dare interrupt my monologue.

What monologue all you ever do is complain, complain and complain and you're not the only one that has to listen to it; I swear sometimes I just want to shoot myself so I don't have to listen to you anymore, but I can't because I am stuck inside your head so I would be killing you as well. On second thought that doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Shut Up, it's my head I'll do an inner monologue if I want; any way everybody who doesn't know Jasmine, this is Jasmine; Jasmine say Hi!

No,why do I have to say hi.

Just do it.



Ok fine, Hi, there you happy now.

Yes I am, thank you very much for asking.Anyway Jasmine is my spirit guide who helps me control my powers and is meant to lead me down the right path or whatever but I think she is just there to pester me.

Hey I resent that!

"Lyla are you ok?" Shoot, did I just blank out in the middle of a conversation again.

Yes, yes you did.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because we were too busy arguing.

Whatever, " Yes I am ok Jason, sorry I kinda spaced out there didn't I?" No one else knows about Jasmine as I'm the only Fae with a spirit guide as I only have one because of the prophescy." Yes you did space out and your doing it again already.

"Sorry, anyway what did you want to talk to me about? Beside me trying to escape again, Jason."

"Well I was going to tell you that the King and Queen are holding a ball with the vamps to try and promote peace between the two species, and of course you're going to have to go. Now that I have told you, you will have to go on the internet and order a dress for the ball."

"Okay." I replied, whilst thinking that I could work with this I could use this as a chance to break away from the ball and explore the forest and outside of the palace grounds.
Lyla, you are going to get us into trouble again aren't you?

What ? No, Of Course not; anyway everyone will be so busy with the ball that they won't even notice that I'm gone.

Do you really think that they are going to let you slip away on the one day the prophecy might have a chance to come true?


Of Course they won't, not after protecting you for all these years.

Well I have to try I can't live my whole life like this. I can't stand it anymore, I just want to have a normal life going out with friends at the weekends, meeting our soulmate and falling in love with him. Besides how are we ever going to be able to meet our soul mate if we are never out of this palace and it's grounds.

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