4# Mon-el - The Prince

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You were sitting in your bedroom in a palace of your parents. They were one of the most important families on Daxam and they just told you that you were engaged to Youngest Daxam prince already since you were two years old. You didn't want to get married to a prince. You wanted love in your life, not to get married to someone you met once in your life when you were a baby.

Your family prepared a ball so you'd get to know the prince and his royal family. "Mom ! But I don't wanna get married. He's probably just ugly and rude" you said, crossing your arms. "Sweetie, there's no other choice, you have to marry Mon-el" she said and helped you get dressed.

You were standing by your parents and you were looking around, seeing other Daxam families dancing and you then you saw a very handsome young man walk by. The thing you didn't know was that he was the prince. "May I ask you for a dance, beautiful ?" He smiled and you smiled back, offering him your hand. "Yes, you may" you two went to the dance floor and danced. You were amazed by his dancing skills. "May I know your name ?" You asked, smiling at him. "You will know my name in a right time" he wasn't dressed in very expensive clothes so you through he was maybe a guard of any of the families, you two talked but then he said he had to go and ran away.

Only about half hour later somebody said "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Daxam Royal family. King, Queen and her two sons" when you saw that the handsome stranger were in the royal family you frowned. "So he is a prince.. Do i have to marry his brother?" you said to yourself. "Hello" the stranger, than happened to be the prince came to you. "Hi.." You said and looked at him. "Sorry that I didn't tell you who I'm before.." He said, looking st you. Now he was wearing very fancy clothes "I just...I heard you didn't like the prince. " he said and you looked at him with a smile. "I wanted to see if you'd like me as me" he smiled back"Well maybe I don't hate prince that much anymore" he smiled and offer you his hand "Mon-el" he finally told you his name "y/n.." You said and shake his hand with a smile.

Chriss Wood (Kai Parker) - imagines :*Where stories live. Discover now