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  " Woof woof" barked Cooper the beagle. His owner, Georas was very old and sick. Cooper could tell something was wrong.
"What's wrong Cooper?" asked Georas, who was very tired and was bedridden due to his age. Cooper started to pull and tug on Georas' shirt to get him up but he wouldn't. Cooper didn't understand, why was Georas so exhausted now? Georas is talking to Cooper when suddenly he falls asleep mid sentence. Cooper started barking loudly. Georas wouldn't wake up. Georas' daughter, Brynna comes into the house to check on her father. She sees that he is in a deep sleep. Cooper keeps barking to tell Brynna what happened. Brynna realizes that her father is dead. She calls for help immediately. the ambulance comes and brings Georas to the hospital. They try to bring him back to life but they couldn't. Brynna is crying in the waiting room. The doctor comes out. He looks at Brynna with a sad look on his face.
" I'm sorry Brynna, but your father is dead" The doctor said.
" What, no!" yells Brynna with tears in her eyes. Brynna goes to see her father. She's sad that he's gone but she knows she'll see him again someday because he is with God in heaven. She drives to her fathers house to get Cooper. As she enters the door Cooper barks. " Hi Cooper" Brynna is still teary eyed. Cooper goes to comfort Brynna. " Cooper, you probably don't understand, but Georas is gone" Cooper thought " he must be busy he'll be back later" He won't come back though.  

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