Part 2

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  Brynna picks up Cooper and brings him to her car to bring him home. Cooper is thinking,"why is Brynna taking me to her house?" They arrive at her house. Its late at night so Brynna and Cooper go to bed. Two hours later Cooper wakes up. He decides he is going to go out and find Georas. He climbs off the bed and goes to the door. He realizes there is no doggy door and he can't go through the door. He climbs on the couch the window is open. He jumps out the open window into the front yard. Cooper begins to walk to Georas' old house. " maybe he is at home now" thinks Cooper.
He walks in through the doggy door and the lights are off. " he must be sleeping". he goes to the bedroom and jumps on the bed. " why isn't Georas home?, it's late, i better go look for him." he walks out the door and tries to pick up his scent. he can't get a scent.
Brynna wakes up. " good morning Cooper" says Brynna. She looks around. She notices that Cooper is gone.
"Cooper come here" yells Brynna. She looks all over the house trying to find him. She can't find him anywhere.
"Where could he be?" She sees the window is open. " Oh my word, he must've climbed out the window. After all Cooper is a beagle not that big.  

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