Future or false?

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So the past few chapters have been from Ezra, this part is coming from Sabine. I'm pretty sure someone gave me an idea for this and took it down, or it's on a different story. Whoever did, please tell me in the comments, thank you!

Sabine struck at Tristen. They were sparing in the training room.
"That all you got sis?" Tristen taunted playfully before charging at her.
Sabine dodged the attack and tripped her brother up with her stick.
"Probably not" she giggled disarming him from his weapon and throwing it aside.
Tristen smiled at her as she helped him up.
"You've got some skills. More then I remembered" he commented.
"Wells I was training with the Darksaber with Ezra and Kanan."
Sabine's smile slowly faded when she mentioned her friends.
Tristen saw this and grasped her shoulder lightly, making her look up at him.
"I know Sabine, you miss your friends. I could see you loved them when you said goodbye. The boy, Ezra was it? He seemed torn apart."
Sabine rolled her eyes with a small smirk.
"We're just friends Tristen, nothing more."
Tristen raised a brow of amusement.
"Shut up."
"I didn't say anything sis."
Sabine glowered at him playfully before leaping at him. Throwing Tristen to the ground, she grinned down  at him.
"Okay, your strength is pretty good" Tristen admitted standing.
Sabine lightly punched his arm and threw him his stick. "Let's go again."
Tristen couldn't help but notice the small flicker of sadness in his sister's eye.
"Sabine, if...If you want to talk about it..."
Sabine raised a brow at him.
"What do you mean by that?" She asked.
"Well, you do seem a little distant. You hardly talk at dinner, you keep to your room and yourself. The only time you open up is when we do combat."
Sabine lowered her weapon and gaze.
"I know, I just need time. Losing them, it wasn't easy" she whispered.
Tristen walked over and took hold of her shoulder again.
"Sabine, I know what it's like to lose friends. Believe me, but you can't hold on forever. You need to let them go."
"Let them go?" She repeated.
"That's not going to be easy."
Tristen's face was sympathetic as she brought a glove to her face. He presumed it was to wipe away tears.
"Alright, you need to lighten up" he decided.
"How am I supposed to do that?" She asked, glancing up at him.
"Remember our childhood?" Tristen grinned.
Sabine thought for a second before quickly backing away.
"Tristen" she warned.
"Don't you dare, I'm more skilled then you know."
Tristen simply ignored the girls threat and leapt at her.
It was a wrestling match to get on top, but Tristen finally managed to pin Sabine down, him on her waist.
"Tristen" she growled squirming.
"I swear to god, if you do it..."
"Do what Sabine?" Tristen teased.
Lightly tickling her side, making her giggle.
"Tristen! Stop!"
Sabine became a laughing mess as her brother spidered his fingers over her sides.
He poked and prodded her midsections, softly tickled her underarms, and traced around her neck.
Tristen had to admit that he was having fun as Sabine laughed and bucked, in desperate attempts to get him off.
He hadn't had a time like this with her since childhood. The memories of the tickle fights were strong in his mind.
Sabine got a hand free and scratched around Tristen's armpit.
With a giggle, Tristen immediately jumped off his sister before she could proceed.
The two sat away from one another. Small smiled on each others faces.
They looked up and became lost in their eyes.
"I missed you so much Tristen" Sabine finally said.
"And I missed you Sabine. Everyday you weren't here with me, was miserable."
Sabine smiled and shuffled closer to her brother before hugging him.
"Thank you Tristen. I love you."
"Same here sis. Same here."

The female Mandalorin climbed into her bed later that night. Sleep taking hold of her exhausted form, she slowly slid into a dream.

Ezra took the Holocron from his belt. Glaring at it as if it was the meaning of all his pain. It opened and the cold voice rolled around the cabin. "My secrets are yours Ezra Bridger" it said.
Ezra's eyes became orange, and his jumpsuit was suddenly replaced by a black one with dark armour.
A black cloak was on his back.
A crimson blade suddenly appeared in his right hand, while the Sith Holocron sat in his left.
Ezra lifted his head to look at Sabine.
His cloak flowed in the cold wind, his face expressionless.
"Ezra" Sabine breathed.
"Names Night Blade now Sabine. I'm coming for you."
Sabine felt tears rise in her eyes.
"Ezra" she said again.
"What have you done?"

Sabine's eyes snapped open. She sat with a whimper.
Swallowing and breathing heavily, she swung her legs over her bed.
Grasping her hands together she went over to her window and stared out at the moon.
It covered the ice in a blue glow.
She wiped away tears and thought over her dream. Was it the future? Or false?
Walking backwards, she felt her back hit the wall and slumped down.
Leaning against the wall, she sobbed.
"I'm sorry Ezra" She whimpered before breaking down completely.

Good god! What am I doing?! 😶 This story's getting sadder and sadder every second!
Suggestions are still and always open for this story, or any other. Or even an idea for a completely new book.
I can multitask! 😉
I did the tickle fight between the two Wren siblings because I thought they might have done that in their childhood. Before Sabine left or even before that.

Star-Wars-Dragons out!! 🐲

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