I did it all for you

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Woo woo! Part nine! This storys chugging along perfectly! I'm getting lots of great feedback and suggestions from the readers! And I'm sorry to those who didn't want this to happen. 😏 Heh heh, I got a little carried away.

Hera pulled the ship out of hyperspace as they reached their destination. Ezra had been silent the entire trip. He was in the corner with his eyes closed, Kanan told the others he was meditating, but even he wasn't sure.
He could feel power and anger surging off Ezra, and wanted to know why. This wasn't like him.
"Right we're here. I suggest you all get your helmets, the air here isn't the nicest" Hera ordered.
"Ezra, Zeb, Kanan, you guys go wait on the ramp. It has to be a drop and run."
Ezra briefly opened his eyes, grabbed his helmet and left the cockpit. Zeb followed.
"Keep an eye on him luv" Hera whispered to Kanan.
"You know I will" the Jedi told her before leaving.
'Not that I really can' he thought mentally.
It was moments like these he wished he still had his sight.
He got down the ladder to where his two friends were.
Ezra had his helmet on, while Zeb had a mouth coverage.
Kanan slid on his helmet that Sabine decorated for him. Even though he couldn't see it, he could still remember what it looked like.
He heard the ramp open and Hera's voice over the com.
"Good luck. Com me when you need to be picked up."
"Let's go" Ezra said leaping off the open door.
"Kids got guts" Zeb remarked before he and Kanan jumped themselves.

They all landed on their feet on the floor of the planet.
The Ghost flew up into the clouds for cover as the trio ran to the Imperial cargo bay.
"I see the crates we need" Ezra said suddenly as they took cover in the grass.
"And?" Kanan asked.
"Their on the other side of the bay. But I have an idea."
"Let's hear it" Zeb said.
"No need to hear. Like you once said, jump into the pit and get it over with."
Ezra ran out of the cover and ignited his lightsaber. (Kanan gave it back to him before they briefed the mission.)
"Yep, the kids lost it" Zeb growled with a grin.
"He's being a distraction for us" Kanan told him before running into the building.
Ezra deflected every shot that came his way, focus surging through him as the bullets approached.
Finally he killed the last Stormtrooper, and quickly went to help the others when he felt something.
Cold. Anger. Hate. It was coming closer. He swung round.
Igniting his blade again, he glared into Vader's helmet.
"We met again Ezra Bridger" Vader said.
"What do you want Sith?" Ezra spat.
He heard Zeb and Kanan running to help, and pushed them back with the Force.
"Your actions are just like Ahsoka's" Vader said.
Ezra felt his blood run colder then it already was.
Anger bubbled in him like lava.
How dare he. How dare he speak about Ahsoka! But Vader kept talking.
"She risked her own life for you and your Master. Tell me child, how do you feel when I speak such things? Like a hero? Like when Ahsoka risked her own life for yours?"
Ezra snapped.
He tore off his helmet and glared at Vader as if he was the source of all his problems. And in a way, he was.
He saw Vader do a double take, and heard Kanan and Zeb gasp at him. And not in a good way.
Ezra once blue eyes, were now amber orange. Cold and anger flowed off Ezra in tidal waves as he charged at Vader. Yelling at the top of his lungs.
"Ezra!" Kanan cried scrambling to his feet.
Ezra was going head to head with Vader in a deadly battle.
Sure Vader had robotic limbs, and was freakishly tall, but Ezra was quick and ready with every move the Sith Holocron had taught him.
Suddenly, he struck at Vader, taking one of his arms off.
The Sith lord cried out in surprise before pushing Ezra back.
The boy back flipped and landed on his feet, in front of his friends who immediately were by his side.
"Ezra, stop! Your connection to the Dark side is too strong!" Kanan yelled as Ezra ran straight at Vader again.
"Ezra! Stop!"
The boy froze. Weapon still raised over his head.
He looked round to see her.
Sabine was standing on a rock formation, looking at the scene with horror.
"Sabine" he whispered as she got down.
He could see a Mandalorin star fighter in the distance. How it managed to land without him hearing was beyond him.
Sabine watched as Ezra lowered his lightsaber and deactivated it.
The Mandalorin came over to Ezra and stood in front of him.
"Why are you here?" His voice asked. A sob catching his throat.
"I couldn't live with myself on Mandalore...EZRA LOOK OUT!"
Ezra swung round just in time as Vader attacked.
With a great burst of energy, he threw Vader across the ground. He swung round to Sabine again.
"You have to go" he told her.
"What? Did I just not make myself clear?! I'm coming back."
"Sabine...This, this is a illusion, your not here. Your...Your not real." Ezra knew if you took in too much of the foul air around this place, you could see your worst nightmares.
"Ezra...Your eyes" she gasped.
"That's not important" Ezra replied.
"Their orange. Ezra, have you turned into a Sith over me?"
"It was all for you."
Everyone collapsed to the ground as an explosion happened a few meters away from them.
Ezra with Sabine landed beside him. Her head hit a rock and her forehead split slightly.
Vader landed a few feet away from the Rebels.
As for Kanan and Zeb, they were thrown across the ground and passed out.

An Imperial fraiter landed on the ground as Vader stood up.
A squardren of Stormtroopers came out of the ship, the leader went to the Sith lord immediately.
"Sir, we need to go. Should we take the Rebels as priznors?"
"Only the boy. He will come in useful to us."
"Sir yes sir."
The trooper ran to commence the order as Vader went into the fraiter.
He would need some attention to his arm.  
Ezra shook his head and looked up with a groan.
Stormtroopers. Wait, Stormtroopers?! 
Ezra looked over at Sabine and anger took over him when he saw her injury.
He stood up and threw the troopers across the ground before picking up Sabine.
She was still knocked out as Ezra glared at the Imperial troops.
"Don't you dare hurt my Sabine!" He yelled throwing them across the dirt again and again.
Suddenly, he felt like someone had grabbed his throat.
He grasped for air, but he refused to drop Sabine. 
Suddenly, pain arched through his head.
Holding Sabine to his chest, he collapsed.
A Stormtrooper had sneeked  around Ezra and had smashed him over the head with his gun.
"Leave the girl!" The commander trooper barked.
"Vader only wanted the boy!"
The troops separated the two terms before grabbing Ezra roughly, and dragged him into the fraiter.

Zeb opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was someone in the distance, on their knees, head bowed. Kanan's helmet was discarded a little way away from him.
Zeb got up and limped over to Kanan.
"Kanan?" He asked anxiously.
"They took him" Kanan's voice uttered quietly. Zeb knew by the mans tone that if he had his eyes, he would be crying right now.
Sabine came running over.
Zeb shook his head at her.
Sabine gave a choked sob before running to the Lasat and crying into his arms.
"He turned into a dark side weilder? For me?!" She cried out.
"We had no idea. How did he even manage to get the information  of combat?" Kanan asked standing.
"The Holocron was destroyed" Zeb said as Sabine was pulled into the Jedi's arms.
"Unless he put it back together" Kanan whispered lifting his com.
"Hera, you might want to get here."

Everyone's suspisions were confirmed when Kanan placed the Sith Holocron on the Dejark table.
Hera cried into Kanan's chest with an arm around Sabine who had a bandage round her head.

They had lost him.

Part ten will be released soon!
Stay awesome my readers!


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