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so sorry this took a really long time to upload. i got really sick and then school and ugh life. I hopefully want to try and update at least once a week, and I'm thinking those days will either be a thursday or friday. Hope you enjoy this chapter! I know it's like really short, but i'm mean and left a cliffhanger. BUT I ALREADY HAVE A LOT OF THE OTHER CHAPTER WRITTEN SO I MIGHT POST THAT MONDAY MAYBS. As always, I would adore some feedback from you guys! have a lovely day xx



That was the first thing I heard when Colton brought us into the back break room. Bringing my gaze up from my feet to the scene in front of me, I was met with the sight of multiple other people sitting on the dirty floor, hands bounded together with a thick red rope.

Sitting in the left corner, clothed in the required khakis and red shirt, sat Mr. Benson.

Mr. Benson has been working at Target for a couple of years now. I first met him when his wife (who works with my mom) asked me to babysit their 5-year old daughter Alice. Mr. Benson is one of the nicest people I have met, and I consider him like a second father to me. He's one of the few people who can truly make me smile, and I'm so blessed to have him in my life. Although he can be over-protective and clingy at some points, I don't know what I would do without him.

"Mr. Benson!" My head turned towards Ben when those words left his mouth the same time they left mine. "Wait," Ben had a confused look on his face "How do you know Ian?" He asked me

"Oh Nora and I are best friends, aren't we hun?" Mr. Benson answered the question.

I smiled over at him, despite the situation we were in, and answered "Yeah, we are."

The sound of gagging filled the room and I turned my head around to see Colton rolling his eyes with a disgusted look on his face. "Wow, I'm choking at this touching reunion." I could see Ben glare at him out of the corner of my eye. "Tyler, tie 'em up" Colton suggested as he walked over to the desk sitting in the corner.

Tyler did a mock salute and grabbed a ball of red rope, the same rope I'm assuming the other people are tied up with, and instructed Ben and I to hold out our hands. After tying our hands together (very harshly might I add), Tyler pushed us towards Mr. Benson and the others, making us tumble down to the ground.

"Hey! Watch it!" Ben grumbled as his hip collided with the floor.

Colton turned around and harshly told Ben "You watch it, boy! We don't need a repeat of last time, now do we?" Colton looked smug as he noticed the defeated expression on Ben's face. After he turned back around and started talking to Tyler, I leaned over, confused and scared, and whispered to Ben "How do you know him? He doesn't seem like someone you would hang out with."

Ben whipped his head towards me and harshly responded "Why do you care? You don't know anything about me." I shrunk back under his heated glare, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

Stupid. You're so stupid. Why would you ask that Nora? Stupid. Stupid.

"I'm sorry." I weakly choked out, my gaze fixating on my fiddling fingers.

I heard Ben sigh before he spoke up "No, I'm sorry. I just-"

"It's fine." I shook my head "I shouldn't have asked. You're right, I don't know anything about you."

"No, Nora it's not like-"

"Hey!" Colton interrupted Ben "Enough of the chit-chat. Stop talking."

Even though my gaze was still on my hands, I could just imagine the glare that Ben sent Colton's way.


"This is insane! You can't just keep us here! I'm pretty sure this is illegal. I have a hair appointment in 15 minutes and if I miss it I swear-"

"What are you gonna do about it blondie?" Tyler questioned the plastic barbie-like girl.

"Hey," Colton called out "Don't call her blondie". Barbie looked at him with a hint of adoration for sticking up for her. "I doubt that's even her real hair color considering of how well her roots are showing." He finished.

I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing and from the corner of my eye, I could see the corner of Ben's lip twist up slightly. Barbie's mouth flew wide open, shock clearly on her face.

Blubbering, she tried to respond "My name is Julia, FYI" her snotty voice carried thoughout the small room "And I have a horrible hair condition where my roots are a different color than the rest of my hair ok i don't dye my hair this color, it's natural."

I let out a bark of laughter that i wasn't able to hold onto any longer. Barbie/Julia glared at me, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed she asked "What are you laughing at McFatty?"

The familiar nickname had me quickly shutting my mouth. My cheeks heated up in embarassment as I resisted the urge to stab her with a pen.

An awkward silence soon took over the light banter, seeming to suffocate us all with a state of discomfort.

"I'm hungry"

Thank you little old lady I silenty prayed, as she broke the silence with her rumbling stomach.

"Me too" Ben contributed.

"Wow I sure am hungry" Mr. Benson comented.

"Do you happen to have any fat-free smoothies?" Julia asked.

"You're going to have to feed us eventually." I finally spoke up. Colton narrowed his eyes at me, challening me to talk more "I-I mean if you let us starve, that will just add onto your charges when you get caught. Like it's bad to let people starve; no good." His jaw ticked, "Well if you get caught of course. Like I have no idea if you will because, you know, i can't tell the future. Well can anyone tell the future? Like are those pyschics real?" His eyes darkened. My persistent rambling worsened "But like you might not get caught ya know? Some of those policemen aren't very fast runners so they won't be able to catch you. Although they do have a gun so manybe th-"

"Oh my god don't you ever shut up!?" Colton finally exploded.

Shrinking back in embarrassment my cheeks heated up, and I decided that it was better if I just kept my mouth closed forever. Does anyone have superglue?

"Don't talk to her like that." Ben growled 

"Oh" Colton smirked "Does someone have a little crush?"

"Like anyone would have a crush on that" Barbie commented with disgust clear in her tone.

Hot tears welled up in my eyes as i clenched my hands into fist, willing myself not to punch them all right now. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

The phone suddenly rang.

We all jumped in shock as the loud ring ring of the phone filled the room. All eyes narrowed in on the phone, wondering what will happen next.

"Well are you gonna answer yet?" The little old lady asked grumpily.

Colton threw her a glare as he got up from his seat and walked over to the phone. Time seemed to slow down as he reached for the phone handle. Slowly picking it up and putting it up to his ear, he quickly breathed out " Hello."

A loud booming voice from the receiving end responded  "This is Mark from the Wisconsin Police Department, who am I speaking to?"

Colton had an evil gleam in his eyes that screamed trouble as he responded, "Well hello Mark, long time no see."

The room turned silent again before Mark responded after a couple of seconds of hesitation "Colton? Colton Mayers?"

"The one and only" Colton's smirk grew wider.

"I should have known it was you.." He sounded angry. Like really angry

"I miss you too hun."

"Cut the crap Mayers; let the hostages go and give up now, we have you surrounded.

Colton made a hissing sound as a look of (fake) pain crossed his face. "You see Mark, I don't think that's going to happen. The hostages here are helping me; without them, you'll come in without a second hesitation and arrest me, but I certainly don't want that, now do I?"

"What makes you think I won't come in there right now?"

"You're a police officer, you care about the people. If you were wise enough and really cared bout the people, you wouldn't come in."

"Or else what?"

"Or else this." Colton quickly took out his gun and pointed at us.

The trigger was pulled.

A shot was fired.

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