Protecting Wayne Manor Pt. 1

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Eight Hours Later

"Bruce?" a voice whispered. I opened my eyes and looked at Dick, "Dick?" "Who else would it be," he said sarcastically. "You remember me?" I asked. He looked at me confusedly, "Why wouldn't I? What am I doing down here?" I tossed the flash drive to him and he caught it. "Bruce..." he said not knowing what to say. "I know you told me about what happened but when you collapsed I had to look through it and see if there was anything that could have caused your collapse. When Wally shocked messed with your brain waves. Alfred got you some medication and you've been asleep for 14+ hours," I said. "Don't treat me like a child," he muttered and pulled out the IV's. "What?" I asked. "You saw the footage. I died Bruce. I was injured horribly. Did you watch the part where you and the team kicked me off the team?!" Dick said and stood up angrily. "Dick..." I began, "I am not going to treat you like a child. I understand why you made everyone forget. I understand your pain. I must've just been worried about you at the time. Now I see, you are alright. You are still technically a child but you are a mature teenager and a powerful hero. You're team nor I could live without you."

Dick wrapped his arms around me and held onto me tightly, "Thank you." I decided that now I need to break the bad news to him. "As you know, Slade is coming after you. Because of that, I gave the Team the mission to go to Wayne manor and defend everyone there for a few days in case Slade attacks. He unwound from me quickly, "What!?" "It's be alright," I said.

Dick POV

I glared at him, "I'll have to befriend my friends but they don't know we are friends which will ruin our friendships because I can't be myself so they will have another half friend." I said it really quickly so he had to blink and think for a moment before standing up, "I'm sorry." "If you really are sorry let me tell them," I said defiantly. He looked at me in thought for a moment, "Only one of them. One that you can absolutely trust. Bring them here after you have told them."

Bruce left and I went into the Zeta Tubes to Mount Justice. "WALLY!" I yelled. He ran over to me really quick, "Make it quick man. I've got to get to the bioship. We are about to leave to go protect some rich snobs." I chuckled, "You have a low expectation of rich people." "I just have opinions on some of them," Wally said shrugging. "What's your opinion of me?" I asked and took off my mask, "My name is Richard Grayson but you can call me Dick." He gapped at me like a fish, "I didn't mean that all rich people are bad I just meant I have opinions of some of them..." I stopped him, "I was just joking. I'm not upset. I'm downset." Wally sighed and face palmed. "Tell the team you will have to meet them there. I've got to take you to meet Bruce Wayne," I said smirking. This will be fun.

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