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The team ran in and saw Black Canary run towards the med bay. They followed quickly. Flash was trying to tend to Batman but Batman kept trying to get up to help his son. Black Canary was standing over Robin who was lying unconscious on a med bay bed. His head was bleeding from a large gash and he must have broken a few bones when smashing into the car front. "Get me some gauze," Canary ordered. Flash sped to grab gauze, gave it to her, and returned to Batman to push him back into a chair. Only the three leaguers and the team were in the room. "Is he going to be alright?" Artemis asked Batman and Flash worriedly as they let Canary work. "I don't know. What happened to him?" Flash asked Batman. Batman growled, "The batmobile was obliterated by a missile. We were inside of it. Robin was slammed into the dashboard and whiplashed. His seatbelt snapped and he was thrown into the side. I got out to confront the attacker and then fled here with Robin." 

Canary walked over, "It isn't as bad as it looks. Just a fractured wrist, I had to pop his right shoulder back into place, and he was just knocked unconscious. He will be perfectly fine in an hour of so, just some slight pain in his wrist, head, and shoulder." The team and leaguers stood there quietly after she explained what was going on when a voice said, "Great, can I get out of here now?" They all turned to see Robin rubbing his head and standing up. "Maybe some rest would be wise my friend," Kaldur suggested calmly. Robin sighed, "Well, not here. Bats, can we head home?" Batman stood up immediately. Without saying a word he picked up his son swiftly and left. "I guess they are going home," Wally said shrugging. "We can ask what is going on tomorrow when he is better," Kaldur offered and they all returned to the mountain.

Batman set Robin down on a chair in the Batcave and removed his cowl. "Are you alright Dick?" Bruce asked, "For real?" Dick removed his mask and sighed, "Just a bad headache Bruce. I'm alright. Thanks." Bruce sat down in another chair across from the boy, "Slade attacked us and he said something peculiar." Dick raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Bruce POV

I continued, "So...Slade said that he was responsible for an injury you had a couple months ago but you were never injured. That made me confused so I tried to think back but all I'm getting is blanks." When I looked up at his face I hadn't expected a reaction like that. He was absolutely terrified. His eyes were wide, he was stiff and defensive, and he was shaking. "Dick, what is going on?" I asked concerned. "You wouldn't understand. You don't remember," Dick said looking away. "But you do? You remember the last couple months?" I asked. He nodded and looked at me in shame, "I'm the one who made everyone forget."

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