Chapter Eight

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  Cole's Pov:

  I watched Dillion walk down the hall and out of my view. I just stared after him thinking about the words he spoke. Something about what he said made my nerves quake with fear. I sat there talking to my friends like there was nothing wrong, but I felt a deep fear in the pit of my stomach. Suddenly, a kid came running into the caffeteria with tears running down his face. He looked so scared. For some reason, as I kept on looking at him, Dillon's tear-stained face flashed across my mind. I immediatly got up and followed him to a teacher that came running to his aid.

  "What is it, son?" the teacher asked. His hands rested on his shoulders, trying to calm him down.

  He inhaled deeply, then exhaled, and said with a stutter, "T-Theres a b-boy in the boys' bathroom. H-He's passed out. T-T-There..." He took another deep breath, and continued. "Theres so much b-b-blood."

  The teacher looked at him with a stunned expression. "Take me to him." he said with a calming, but urgent voice.

  The boy speed-walked to the boys' bathroom and opened the door. I looked behind me and saw sum of my friends, but I also saw Kenny, and Jennifer, Dillion's only friends.

  The teacher walked in, and I saw him cover his mouth with his hand, and tears streamed down his face. I walked in further, and what I saw, brought tears to my eyes as it did to the teacher. The teacher didn't even know him, and it brought him to tears. There laying in his own blood, was Dillion. He had cut his wrists. He was trying to kill himself. But why would he do this to himself? Wait, that was such a stupid question! He was constantly being bullied about his sexuality. I heard people from behind me gasp at the grizzily sight in front of them, but when I heard body-rocking sobs, I knew that Jennifer had seen, and I'm sure that Kenny was trying to console her, even though that he was hurting as well.

  The teacher turned around, and was about to tell all of us to got back to class or something along those lines, but was interrupted by Jennifer running toward Dillion's body and sitting next to him, not minding that she was now sitting in his blood. She picked up his upper half and held him gently.

  "Wake up Dillion. You have to wake up, so you can raise the money to get out of that house. Please just wake up. You supposed to live and show him that you are worth it. Please wake up, Dillion." I stood there listening to her way of trying to get him up, and I nearly fell to my knees.

  Kenny walked through the crowd and walked to her side,and gently placed him back on the floor, and gently as possible, as if she were glass that would break at any minute, guided her to stand up. She leaned on him and wrapped her arms around his waist. I looked at Kenny and realized that he had tears in his eyes, but he wouldn't let them fall because he wanted to be Jennifer's rock at the moment. There would be a time for him to show his greif, but at the time, it wasn't it wasn't about him.

  Out of nowhere, a medic came through the door, and sat down beside him, and checked for a pulse. He moved his fingers around on his wrist for a moment, then said, "I got a pulse!" He put his fingers to his neck and counted his heart beat under his breath.

  I looked at Dillion on te ground, and didn't know what to say or do. All of a sudden, I ran out of the bathroom, hitting people with my shoulders as I dashed out with shame and tears on my face. I shouldn't even be calling myself a man. I was a coward because I let him go off alone when he spoke those words. I should've ran after him to ask him what he meant when he said those words. I had a bad feeling the minute he said them, yet I decided to turn a blind eye to it. I was thinking I was going to see him tomorrow, not thinking that he could've been gone at any minute.

  I went to a wall that was close to my locker and started punching the wall. I didn't feel any pain, so I just kept on punching it, until there was dent, and my knuckles were bleeding. But even then, I wasnted to inflict pain onto myselfe to try and take all of his pain away. I wanted to take it away with all of my might, but I knew no matter how much I hurt myself or how much I regretted it, I wouldn't be able to undo what had already been done. Life didn't work out like that, no matter how much I wished it did.

  I heard someone say something to me, but I didn't listen, I just kept punching the wall. I didn't even register the pain anymore, it was just numb now. I suddenly felt someone's arms wrap around me, trapping me in place. I felt like I was losing my mind, but finally I calmed down, and looked at the damage I caused on the wall. The wall was cracked in certain places and there was a hole right in the middle. Some of my friends were standing there with worry etched across their faces. I saw some teachers looking at me with sadness and sympothy, but also sterness. Then, I saw Jenny. She looked at me with confussion and she also looked weary ol me. I turned my head to look at the person holding my arms to my sides, only to see Kenny. I was surprised. Kenny hated me, in fact, I think he despised me with so much passion that he saw red in his eyes everytime he looked at me.

  He let go, and Ilooked at my hands, and realied all of my knuckles were bloody. I turned around to face the little crowd I had caused to gather around me. One of the teacher who looked quite young, like twenty-three, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Everything will alright. The paramedics told us that they were going to take him to the hospital. He lost a lot of blood, but he made it through. They said it was amazing that he even lived with the amount of blood he lost."

  I nodded, and before I could stop it, the tears I didn't know I was holding back, came flowing down my face. I heaved a sigh of relief.

  "Go to him. I'll exuse you for the rest of the day." The same teacher said. I nodded, and ran to my car, and sped to the hospital. When I got there, Jennifer, and Kenny was already there. When I saw Jennifer, her words ran through my mind.

  "What did you mean, when you said all of those things about Dillion getting out of his house? Who is he?" I asked.

Plot twister right there, huh? Does Jennifer know about the beatings Dillion's dad always gives him? If she does, does Dillion know about it?

Oh, and I change my cover, I wanted the cover to match the personality of the book. oh, and FOOD!!!

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