Chapter 1

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Liefde- Love in Dutch

Monde- World in French

Luft- Sun in German

Liv- Life in Swedish

Dyr- Animal In Norwegian


"Today," the Mayor said, "Today is choosing day. When you have turned 18 you wait till choosing day, the day before the New Year. You have a choice of; Wings, a tail, or horns of any dragon killed that year. One 18 year old will be chosen as the Dragon Slayer. The Cave Gods will determine if you have the courage, skill, strength, smarts, and enough to kill a dragon. Before we start let us make a toast to the Cave Gods. Liefde, Monde, Luft, Liv, Dyr, Please accept these children to be one of your star hunters when they pass. We thank you for life."

"I will now call names, you will walk into the Cave of Scales and pick an item."

All the audience cheered, but the ones about to go in.

"Leah Court" the Mayor said. A frizzy haired girl took a deep breath and walked into the Cave of Scales.

"Alex Hunch. Reese Bowl. Hazel Myth. Kaleb Spot. Amber May. Saige Keys." The Mayor kept calling names, more people came out. Leah Court had chosen the horns of a Sugar Dragon, almost like deer antlers.

"Jade Green"

Everyone had at least seen this 17 times. Some kids though, only get no more then 8. They die from heat, health and others, including dragons.

"Jordan Smith"

They Kept calling names till they got to mine.

"Kira Duffy"

I walked into the Cave of Scales and saw the three items, and another. There was a sword glowing in the Light, the only place you could see was the 4 items nothing more. I walked up to the sword, I was the Dragon Slayer. No, this can't be possible! I thought. I can't kill dragons, they are living things, they don't mean to kill it was us, the humans. We destroyed their homes, we had no reason why. But none less, I was the slayer. I grabbed the sword and a wall of more swords lit up. Pink ones, Blue ones, yellow, green and many other colors. The one that really stood out to me was the blue one. The blade was curved with a white handle . I walked up to the blue sword and under it there was a golden plaque that said Crescent sword- Sea Wing. I reached for the sword. The white handle had perfectly fit in my palm. I walked out of the cave and when the sunlight hit it, it started to glimmer in the suns heat. The whole town stopped cheering, Mayor Bronze stopped calling names, and the birds stopped tweeting.

"To our first..." Bronze trailed off, "Our first girl Dragon Slayer!"

Hi! this is my first story i will update whenever i can and yea!

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