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a/n I know that this episode is in season 1, but I'm not going episode by episode. I'll stick to the main story line, and will do each episode in no order. i'm just doing it as i go along. enjoy.

Saphire's view
I lay on my berth, feeling glad that I was finally off of that pit slagged ship. I don't know how much longer I would have been able to hold on. Megatron is ruthless and cold sparked. Doesn't think twice about harming a youngling. I sigh and roll over, and I scream and run out of my room as fast as I could with the scraplet behind me. I scream as it latches onto me and I struggle to kick it off, but I decide to blast that fraggin' glitch. When I stop, I see that I'm in the main hanger of base and see that Ratchet, Jazz, Ironhide, Star, Storm and Sky are looking at me. 
"S-scraplet" I say just before I collapse. 
Jazz picks me and carries me over to Ratchet who looked over me and fixed my armor plating where the scraplet had been.
looking at me, "where did the scarplet punk come from?" Hide asks me.
"My room." I reply just as Jack, Miko, Raf, Nurse Darby and Agent Fowler come in. 
"What happened?" Miko asks
"Scraplet." Jazz tells her
"what's a scraplet?" Jack asks
"scraplets are the most dangerous vermin to ever walk on the face of Cybertron." Ratchet tells him.
"All scraplets do is dismantle machinery and eat anything metal- especially living metal." Bulkhead says. 
"well, bug squashed, game over right?" Jack says tentatively
"no. when it comes to scraplets, there's just never one. and I fear I know how they got in here." Ratchet says. 
So we walked to the room where the pod was being kept, and we saw that the side had been chewed out all the all.
"it's a trap- a scraplet trap" Jazz says.
we head back to the main hanger and Ratchet tried to comm oppi, mom and Arcee, but with no luck.
"Just as I thought, the scraplets have gotten into the com-link system!" Ratchet says as he bangs his hand down on the computer board.
"if we don't eradicate these creatures immediately, they will reduce the base to a scrapheap."
"I say let them keep it and run off" Bulk says and Bee buzzes agreeing.
"evacuation is not an option" Ironhide tells them. 
"If we do not get the ground bridge back online stat, Optimus, Arcee and Elita will perish." Ratchet says.
"Bulkhead, you never run!" Miko tells him as she stands in front of him.
"Miko, you haven't seen a swarm of these things devour a Bot. I have. They pick you apart from the inside out, going for the small juicy bits first-- fuse by fuse, circuit by circuit, till there's nothing left, and I mean nothing left...not even your optics." Bulkhead tells Miko and me, Star, Sky and Storm all scoot closer to Ratchet and Ironhide, scared.
"Bulkhead, you're scaring the younglings!" Ratchet and Hide tell him at the same time.
"Let us help you." Jack says
We're not made of metal" Raf pipes up
"yah. the scraplets can't hurt us." Miko said
"typically I find your fleshiness to be your least engaging quality...but it would appear to provide an advantage under these extremes." Ratchet says as Raynala slightly hits him for his remark about the humans. 
"Nurse Darby can pair up with Ironhide, Raf can pair up with Raynala, and me with Jazz and Jack and Agent Fowler can stay here and guard you, Saphire, Star, Storm and Sky." Miko says. "how that sound?"
"it sounds workable." Ironhide says as he and Nurse Darby go off towards the berthrooms, while Raf and Raynala head to the training room and Miko and Jazz head towards the vaults where we keep the relics we find. 
While Jack and Agent Fowler stay here in the main hanger with Ratchet and us four younglings. 
"need any help, Ratchet?" I ask
"No, Saphire." Ratchet curtly replies to me as he goes back to fixing the ground bridge.
Nurse Darby's View:
Ironhide and I were walking down the hallways, on the look out for those scraplets when the lights flickered off for a few minutes and Ironhide screamed. turning around, "did you just scream, Hide?" I ask keeping the amusement hidden. "no" Hide says too quickly. I look at him, "you sure, Hidey" I say using the nickname that as the other Autobots call them younglings, but according to human terms, they're in their teens years. "fine, yes, but don't tell anyone, June" Hide says. "and don't call me Hidey." "why not? Saphire, Star and Ratchet's twins do" I reply. "that's because they're younglings and I was there when they were born and started speaking." Hide tells me just as we hear clattering in the pipes above us and Ironhide shoots causing wires to fall on him, making him scream again. Than these little metal balls fall out shortly after ad we run out of there to the main hanger.
Saphire's view
"They can fly?!" Jack asks as he starts hitting scraplets with a crow bar and Agent Fowler uses the fire extinguisher to put them into stasis, while is four hide under a medical berth, hoping the scraplets don't see us. Just as Nurse Darby and Hidey come running in with scraplets behind them. we stay where we are, but soon the scraplets find us and we fire at them, trying to get them off. I decide to turn myself invisible hoping that the fraggin' things won't see me and it works.
"Jack, June, I need you to go the main energon pipe and fix what ever is causing it to leak. I believe that may be why the ground bridge isn't functioning." Ratchet tells them and he tells them what to do. 
shortly after, they come back in. "It's fixed, Ratchet." Jack says.
Ratchet starts the ground bridge. "someone needs to be the bait" He says. 
I turn myself visible, "I'll do it" I say
"Saphire, you're in no place..."Ratchet starts, but I cut him off. "I'm not as damaged as the rest of you, so I'll be the bait and lead the scraplets back to the Arctic." I tell him. "Fine" he replies. 
I hear whirring and I look and see that the scraplets are coming for me, so I run through the ground bridge and I land on snow, I see oppi, mom and Cee heading towards me. "get down!" I yell at them just as the scraplets come through and fall to the ground frozen. once all of the scraplets were out, I looked up, "I'd invite you in, but it's a mess." I said as I stand back up and help mom and Arcee through the ground bridge with oppi following behind.
soon, Ratchet was directing Jack, Miko, Raf, Nurse Darby and Agent Fowler on how to help patch everybot up. 
I sat near oppi and mom and hear Ratchet say "We're just fortunate that this infestation happened...on a saturday." 
Just thank Miko screams and we all look at her. "What's wrong?" I ask
"spider!!!" Miko yells as she runs off screaming her head and than, Star, Sky, Storm and me, we end up laughing. 
"oh my, that was funny. I am not gonna let her live that down. afraid of a itsy bitsy spider." I say as we laugh harder
"what you guys laughing about?" I hear and the four of us looked at her and I say "Miko, there's a huge a spider on your head" and we end up laughing again.

Transformers Prime: Surprise book 1 of the Sparkmate seriesWhere stories live. Discover now