Author-nim P.O.V
Maria was on her way from work when she forgot she needs to get groceries from the supermarket.
At the supermarket
Maria picked up everything she needed and walked over to the cash register. She was leaving when she saw her friend Aiden. She swiftly turned around and fell hard on her ankle.???: Oh my G-dragon, are you okay?
Maria looked up to see a handsome boy with blueish grey eyes and muscles that were visible from his shirt. She didn't even realize that she was staring.
???: Excuse me hello are you okay ?
Maria: Oh yes, I'm okay
The stranger held his hand out to help Maria up, but she fell again and yelped in pain .
???: You are not okay , are you here with someone.
Maria then looks around to see if her friend Aiden is still her but he left already.
Maria: No, um I am sorry that I bumped into you .
???: No it's okay I m sorry too by the way I am Jackson.
Maria: I'm Maria nice to meet you.
Jackson: You can't get up, so get on my back. I'll take you home.
Maria: But I came here with a car. It's okay though I don't want to bother you.
Jackson: Its okay, it's partly my fault you are hurt. Just get in my back
Maria got onto Jackson's. He carried her to her car and put her in the passenger seat gently.Jackson: Which way is it ?
Maria: Promise me you won't follow me again
Jackson chuckled a bit
Jackson: I promise
He drove her home and carried her while holding her groceries
Jackson: Keys ?
Maria: My boyfriend is home so the door is open
Jackson face kinda dropped
Jackson: Okay
Jackson opened the door and he could hear a lot of commotion coming from upstairs
Jackson: Wow he must be bu-
Jackson was cut off by voices
Jackson: Is he here alone
Maria jumped off Jackson' sand ran to her room despite her sprained ankle.
Maria's P.O.V
I didn't care if my ankle was hurting, I just ran to my room. I opened the door and what I saw broke my heart.
Me: How could you do this to me. I gave you everyth-
Maria didn't even finish her sentence because she saw the girl's face.

Housemates or Roomates
RandomMaria: JUST GET OUT YOUR THE ONE THAT CHEATED Derek: Let me get what I want first Derek ripped off Maria shorts and undressed himself also. A he was about to enter her the door flew open.