Derek: Let me get what I want first
Derek ripped off Maria shorts and undressed himself also. A he was about to enter her the door flew open.
I felt bad about leaving Maria yesterday, so I went back. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I could only here muffed screams so I went through a window. As I ran closer to her room the crying got louder. I opened her room door and fury instantly took over my mind and body. I ran straight towards Derek and punch him which sent him flying to the floor.
Me: What the hell is wrong with you?!?!?
Derek: Get off me!!!
I punched him until he was knocked unconscious. I dragged him into the bathroom that was connected to the room then locked the door. I tun around the see Maria crying and shaking.
Me: Ok just thrown a t-shirt and we can go to sleep but let me get you some water first okay.
Maria just nodded. I headed out the room and to the kitchen downstairs. On my way back to Maria's room and hear a thud inside. I went inside to see Maria on the floor whizzing.
Me: Maria what's wrong with you?
She pointed at her asthma pump on the dresser. I grabbed and put it into Maria's mouth. Once she inhaled it she fell asleep in my arms. She looked so beautiful, she even made me feel butterflies in my stomach. Her blue eyes and long brown hair just made her more perfect.Maybe I like her. I laid her down on her bed the heard movements in the bathroom .
Derek P.O.V
I woke up with a major headache. I looked around to see that I was on s bathroom. I got up and tried to unlock the door but it wouldn't open.
Me:Hello anyone there ?
The door then opened to reveal Jackson. I got up and tried to walk off when he stopped me.
Jackson: Where do you think you're going?
Me: Home.
As I look behind the door I see Maria sleeping, the remembered what I did. Guilt suddenly washed over me.
Me: Let me go! I can't see her like this.
Jackson: No, you are gong to stay here until she wakes up to apologize to her.
Me: She will always hate me, so whats the the point.
Jackson: Why ??
Me: First, I didn't show her that I love her, secondly I cheated on her with her best friend, thirdly I just tried to rape her.
Jackson: Hurry up and leave.
Me: Thank you and take care of her for me.
Jackson: If I take care f her it will be for my good because I like her.
When he said I just grabbed most of my stuff and left.
Maria P.O.V
I woke up and I could feel some one's arms wrapped around my waist tightly. I turned slightly turned to see Jackson who is sound asleep. I looked under the covers to see that I only had a t-shirt on. I smiled at the thought of me and Jackson cuddling together. I realize what I was thinking and snapped back to reality. I removed his arms from around me and got up to go bathroom that were only a few feet away, I saw my ripped shirt on the floor. Then remembered what happened before. A tear slid down my cheek. I walked to the bathroom, showered, then changed into some casual clothing.
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