Away With the Wind

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Hey my name is willow. I live in griswold, CT. My life had always been a struggle. My mom did drugs when I was little. She couldn't take credit of me do my grandfather had to take me and my sister went to my aunts. It was sad because my aunt brain washed her and told her that she was her mom. Journie got confuzed and questioned if I was sher sister. My sister Is ten. now and I'm 16 . Were close and we do alot of things together. We go horse back riding with eachother. I told her that we were sisters and my aunt yelled at me for telling her and I was thinking "why can't I tell her she should know whats going on". I was tonge tided with nothing to say at that point. It was just a bad time and I was in the wrong place. I wish I could go back I'm time and do it over again but I'm thankful for what I have.

  I had a good child but I didn't know who to call my daddy. My mom dated so many guys I was confused. I got sexually assulted. Sense I was pretty much emotionally scared I would just try to see things on the bright side.

  My family moved to a small town in Planfeild. It was peacefull there un till I started to get bullied. People started to get jealous of my hair and my growing passion to be a good person. That all changed when we moved away from Planfeild and came to Griswold. I thought I was gonna have a new start and then I became friends with someone named Kendra Broncape and my life was fixed. We laughed together and we made goofy and great memories. But as we got into eight grade she started to give up on me too. She called me nasty names like cunt, bitch, whore, skank, ugly, fagott, and a loser. That's were it all began. The word loser hit me. I was trying to br a good person bit I guess I was just thought off as a price of trash. "They" all say they know me but know one did.

  I started to hang out with Kendra's twin sister Kody Broncape. She was sweet and I felt like she knew me. She saved me from reveling my inner secrets of my life. No one knows what those secrets are, but Kody.

I fell I to a deep depression and I had to find away out. My mom melissa and her husband eric were fighting and my 2-year-old sister had brain surgery...

I Ment someone named Jessica and she had scars every were on he arms. She said it was the only way to let your depression out. So that's exactly what I was going to do .... I got home and found a razor blade and..........i--ii--i ... There was blood dripping down my left wrist and I couldn't believe I just did this to myself ! I was in shock... A couple days latter the princaple called me down to the main office and told me she had to talk to me ...... I froze,  I was scared to admit I had ........

  She had to call home and my grandfather found out and was disappointed at me. He yelled at me ( like that wad going to make it better) like I wasn't already aware of what I did. The strength I had to push my self out of depression never happened. I still roughly incaved cuts into my right hip. No one knew about that ...but I eventually stopped cutting for a wile.

My days became longer and happier. I had gotten to hang out with my best friend Noah sheilds. I had liked him for over a year. We had been best friends sense first grade. He liked me sense third grade and he didn't yell me. I told him about how people told me he liked me and my friends told him I liked him and it all went happy after that. He had askes me out and i did not hesitate to say yes. The words flew out of my mouth faster than a gun shot. It had been my dream to date him cause there was something about his smile gave me chills. Be was mote than I could hope for. He made me happy, I couldn't be sad around him because he would always make me laugh my dorky laugh of mine. He was my main priority in life he's what I have to live for. Sadly he doubted me he thought I wanted to brake up with him.

  My friends and I had stayed home alone wile my mom went off to work for a couple hours. My best friends dared me to kiss Noah. But I was scared because I had already had my first kiss but it didn't mean anything to me. I was worried if I had the same feeling I would not have fallen in love with my "Romeo". I finally built up enough courage to miss him, and that's exactly what I did. It was the most magical feeling in the world. This miss Ment something to me my head doubted my feelings but my heart was ready to take another chance. I was deeply in love with him and we hoped it would last a long time. I still live him to this day. He's the one that brings me up when I'm down. I just don't have words to discribe how I feel.

  Hope you liked my first chapter ...sorry if its not the best :{ ...thanks for reading :-)
                                                           -   MISTAKE. -

We dated for a little wile. I thought it was love but i truely wasnt. I broke up with him and went out with his bestfriend corey santor. We did everything together from that point. He would come to my house , and let me tell you he won my mom over. It was all good just me and him night after night hanging out at the fire. That shortly ended when i kissed his friend thomas jousph rodgers who i refered to as tj. I was so mad at myself i wanted to just die. I kept the secret to myself un till i told noah. He said to corey that i had to tell him something and thats when it all came out. He was sad and he sat alone on a log above the river bowing his head. We stayed together for about 2 weeks after that happen and then i got the message " i just want to be friends" . My heart sunk , my mind went completely blank. I had messed up more that i realized.

I turned back to tj. We said we loved each other but it was never true on my part. I hadent know that till my life kept rolling around. He ended it with me. I was worthless at that point and i felt no reson too live anymore. 
I started to cut again but worse and it had more reason.

sorry , to be continued..... ☺

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