Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Cody’s Pov

I don’t understand why she hates me so much.

Sure I never talked to her that much but she is my neighbor, it looked like she was scared of being near me. 5 years ago she was really shy but she still was a little bit social, now she a quiet little mouse that didn’t want to be seen.

“Babe come on, you are not even paying attention to me” Jenna whined.

 I don’t know what happened to Ashley and Jenna but I could say after that one summer Jenna became hot. I finally got the courage to ask her out in 10th and now we are here senior year and we are still together. Sure she is kind of mean ‘sometimes and there are moments that I think ‘why am I even with her?’

“BABE!”  I turned to her to see what she was being so pissy about and of course she just wanted attention.

“What’s wrong Jenna?”

“You keep going into your own little world, what are you thinking about?”

“Oh well just about Ashley how you guys used to be friends” She looked at me shocked even a little jealous.

“You are thinking of that bitch, do you even know what she did to me?” I shook my head. “A week after we meet you she just came up to me and called me a bitch and slapped me for no reason” she yelled “SO that summer I just had to leave her alone, she is a crazy pscho”

I stared at her in awe little Ashley, Ashley who would be in her happiest moments when she was reading a book. The one who barely said a word to me when we first meet, I don’t know if I can believe her.

 I will have to ask Ashley about that I know Jenna can exaggerate sometimes.

I knew if I didn’t agree with Jenna she would get really mad at me. “Don’t worry babe, I know she’s crazy I just wanted to copy her homework” I hate lying but I had to do it. She smirked at me.

“Well I have to go home but I will see you in the morning ok Cory?”

“Yeah see you in the morning” She stuck her tongue down my throat and skipped off to her car.

Ashley’s Pov

My mom knocked on my door “Ashley dinner” I groaned “Coming mom” I opened my door and trudged downstairs. Of course Sarah was already talking about her life. Sarah was the complete opposite of me while I had boring brown hair and brown eyes like my dad; she had long blonde hair and bright green eyes like mom.

“Hey sweetie” my dad said. “How was school?”

“Well...” But before could continue Sarah butted in “Omg I forgot to tell you what Jack did for me” she squealed. “He bought me this necklace and….” I tuned her out for the rest. It sucks I never get to talk.

 Sarah is 3 years older than me so she is in college specifically Harvard but she was on spring break right now but that wasn’t the worst part not only does she not stop talking about her oh so perfect boyfriend *I mentally rolled my eyes* she is the closest thing to perfect there is so any moment she talks everyone listens.

When I entered high school the only thing the teachers said to me was ‘ Oh are you Sarah’s sister, let’s hope you can keep up with the work she did”

I was always compared to Sarah, Sarah this, Sarah that. Yeah well that’s my life. Dinner finished and I went upstairs, I fell on my bed and crashed.

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