No more rainy days

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(( I want to point out that when it rains Arthur is lonely and sad so yeahhh just thought to point that out))

Arthur was walking down the road on the beautiful streets of London until it started to rain.

"Bloody hell I was stupid for actually thinking today would be a rain free day it's never a rain free day in bloody London" Arthur mumbled to himself still walking on the strangely quite streets of London.

" HEY DUDE!" American accent shouted and echoed in the quite streets and Arthur immediately knew who it is.

"Hello Alfred" Arthur said smiling up slightly at the younger but taller nation rain still pouring down from the sky getting lighter by the second.

"DUDE what are you doing in the rain" Alfred said with concern on his face and he quickly started taking his signature bomber jacket off throwing it over himself and Arthur.

"YOU BLOODY GIT YOU'LL FREEZE TO DEATH!" Arthur said hugging Alfred slightly

"Don't worry about me Artie-" Alfred said before getting cut off with a "It's Arthur you git!" Before starting again " Artie, I'll be fine" Alfred smiled smugly looking down at Arthur before shouting "PLUS IM THE HERO!" In that loud American voice

"Of course you are Alfred" Arthur said smiling at the Americans bold statement before seeing something that caught his eye, "Hey Alfred I see a cafe down there lets go there to warm up I don't fancy being sick for the next world meeting" Arthur said looking at the cozy cafe thinking it was a smart idea

"Artie if you wanted a date you could of just asked" Alfred said smugly with a smirked on his lips with a teasing feeling

"S-SHUT UP YOU GIT!" Arthur said blushing like a tomato

'Dammit of course he would think that but what if this was a date?' Arthur thought while blushing even harder

"Awhhh your blushing didn't know you liked me that much" Alfred said with a teasing smile the smirk no longer there

"L-lets just go there" Arthur said shivering realising it was still pouring down with rain but was slowly stopping

"Ok DUDE lead the way!" Alfred smiled happily but holding Arthur close to keep him warm

Arthur and Alfred made their way to the cafe they sat down at a nice decorated table and once they were seated they began to order

"I'll have an earl grey tea please" Arthur said smiling at the waitress who was blushing slightly

'How dare she look at Arthur like that what if Arthur ain't gay what if he runs away with her' Alfred thought greenling a feeling he's never felt before as he coughed to get the waitress who was still smiling that sickly sweet smile at his Arthur

She then turned her attention to Alfred when she heard a cough

"Hmm I'll have a black coffee please" Alfred said a little to forcefully putting his arm over Arthur's shoulders glaring at her

"Ok sirs your orders will be here shortly" she said with a forced smile at Alfred and then turned smiling at Arthur again but a little confused at why the other gentleman was being so well protective over the other male

Once she walked away in confusion Arthur turned to Alfred

"Alfred is something wrong?" Arthur said concerned and also quite confused on why Alfred's arm was over his shoulder

"Other than that bitch trying to flirt with you I'm fine" Alfred said a little irritation showing in his voice

Arthur's mind began working trying to figure out what's wrong

'Why did he call the waitress a bitch all she was doing wa-' realisation hit Arthur as he turned to Alfred

"A-Alfred are you jealous?" Arthur said blushing slightly wondering if it was true because you see Arthur has had a crush on Alfred for quite a while and has been slightly hesitant to make a move not knowing if he was gay

'Is that the strange feeling I was feeling when that bitch was flirting with Arthur'
Alfred was thinking until his face turned red in realisation 'I was jealous because I love Artie' he thought but didn't tell Arthur the truth because he thought that it would ruin his relationship with the older male.

"N-no I'm not jealous...." he said stuttering and blushing

"Alfred it's ok to be jealous" Arthur said but was cut off when his tea and Alfred's coffee came the girl didn't even look at Arthur as she placed down the drinks and moved away quickly.

They drank their respective drinks in an awkward silence as they finished Alfred payed even though Arthur tried to pay because he said it was his idea to come here Alfred wouldn't allow it saying 'IM THE HERO LET THE HERO PAY' before laughing.

They left the shop even though it was still raining and the whole point was to stay out the rain so Arthur just wanted to head home and relax maybe try cooking again
"Alfred I think I may just head home you know try some new recipes" Arthur said before carrying on saying "I really enjoyed today Alfred and thank you for a wonderful date have a good day"
Alfred stopped Arthur before he walked away back to his home

Alfred mumbled something before doing something unexpected to Arthur

"Huh what's wrong Alfred?" Arthur said worried before shock filled his body when he felt soft lips against his own and immediately he kissed back after about one minute of kissing they both pulled away panting of lack of air

'It's now or never' Alfred thought
"Arthur I love you so much I've loved you for so long I did get jealous when you were talking to that gir-" Alfred rambled on before Arthur cut him off with a smile on his lips his blonde hair sticking to his face because of the rain that was slowing down to a near stop Alfred thought that may one of the most attractive things he's ever seen his thoughts were cut off by Arthur speaking

"I love you too git" Arthur said before kissing him the rain finally stopping

'Wow the rain stopped I don't there's been a day without full down poor in London' Arthur said later on cuddling up into Alfred in front of his window

'I don't there's going to be another rainy day for a while Artie' Alfred said ruffling Arthur's hair

'What makes you say that?' Arthur said confused

'Cause dude your never going to feel lonely or sad again not while I'm around' Alfred said smiling Arthur blushed and pecked Alfred on the lips before closing his eyes cuddling up into Alfred

'The hero loves you Artie' Alfred mumbled quietly while Arthur was drifting off

'I love you to you git' Arthur mumbled before drifting off to sleep in Alfred's arms

There wasn't a spot of rain in London the next day

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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