Ten: Answers

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"Wait, you guys kissed?" Niall asked, cocking an eyebrow at me. I nodded shyly, a small blush creeping to my cheeks. "Why, I thought you hated him?"

I shrugged and looked into my cousin's blue eyes, biting my lip. "I don't know, Niall... After he expained to me why he left and the sincereity in his voice, I felt myself falling for him over again."

He smirked and poked my side, wiggling his eyebrows. "Yes, I called it! Where's Zayn? He owes me twenty bucks!"

I smacked his arm and glared at him, rolling my eyes at his pathetic bet. "You made a bet with Zayn that I'd fall in love with Ashton again? Jeez, love you too, asshole!"

He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned. "C'mon Andy, you can't say that you didn't see it coming!"

I glared at him once more, crossing my arms stubbornly over my chest. "Gee, Niall I only wish I'd seen it coming when you told me Ashton was the opening act... Oh, wait... You didn't! Fucking dick," I murmured under my breath, shaking my head at him.

"We're getting ready to go to dress rehearsals now," he told me. "You can make out with your lover boy there."

I rolled my eyes and was about ready to defend myself just as Harry entered the room. "Did someone call my name?" He teased, shooting me a wink. Niall gave him a deathly glare and Harry held his hands in defeat. "Hey man, I was only kidding!"

Niall nodded and narrowed his eyes at him, stepping protectively in front of me. "Hell yeah you were only kidding," he spat.

"Speaking of Ashton," Louis's voice spoke as he looked down at his phone. "The lads are almost done trying their clothes on. He just told me that we'd better hurry down there if we want clothes for ourselves, so we should probably get on our way now."

My heart sped with anticipation after his name was mentioned. I couldn't bring it to myself to see him again, especially after our kiss the other night. I didn't want to make things awkward, plus I hadn't even decided if I wanted to make 'us' a thing. Of course I still loved Ashton, but I wanted to know if I could really trust him before I made anything official.

"I'll stay in the back of the bus," I spoke, deciding to stay back at the bus instead of making an awkward encounter as I made my way past Liam to the back lounge.

"Oh no, you won't," Zayn's chest popped out in front of me, blocking my path. I looked up at him and pouting, jutting out my bottom lip. "Please? It's not like I need to be there. It's not like I'm in a band."

He pretended to think about it for a moment, but Niall grabbed my waist and effortlessly threw me over his shoulder. "You're part of my band, I don't care who disagrees. We stick together, Andy, no matter what."

I rolled my eyes and stopped fighting his grip as the six of us all made our way to the stadium. "What's the real reason you don't want to go?" Niall asked quietly, his voice soft so the other boys couldn't hear him. I kept my face buried into Niall's shoulder, a blush creeping on my cheek as I tried hiding my smile.

"Ashton wants me to consider dating him again," I murmured quietly back.

His eyes nearly popped from his head and he chuckled again, smirking happily as he pinched my cheeks playfully. "Shit, another twenty bucks from Zayn! What else happened, my little money maker?"

I nudged him in the gut with my knee, rolling my eyes and giggling lightly. "No, I'm being serious!"

Niall turned his head studied my face for a moment, stopping and letting me off of his shoulder. "Keep going, I'll meet you lads in there," Niall spoke to the boys before turning to me. "What are you going to say?"

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