Chapter 1 The New Kid

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"Shit shit shit." A blue blur zooms through the neighborhood late for school. He tries to slow down seeing a figure walk in front off him."Hey! Watch out!!" "Huh?" "AH!" Sonic opens his eyes to find the figure on the floor looking down. "S-sorry!!" Sonic took his hand out of help up the stranger."... It's alright.." sonic blushes a bit hearing the soft quiet voice as the stranger got back up. "U-um.. Can i know your name?" ".. Shadow." And in an instant the stranger named by Shadow disappeared. Sonic shook his head and ran off to school. "Sonic! Just in time!" His yellow fox friend, Tails waved to Sonic as he sat down and the bell rang. "Heh, yeah." Their teacher walks in and greets the class. "Goodmoring class." "Morning." The teacher smiles. "Today we have a new student and will be coming to our class." Everyone in the class got excited, the girls talked to eachother hoping it was a boy and other students hoping it was a rich girl. At least everyone but Sonic. He was hoping they where a kind boy who would like to be his friend. A knock came from the door and everyone froze. "Come in." The door slowly opens and a boy black hedgehog with red stripes on his quills wearing a grey sweatshirt and black sweatpants and bright crimsom headphones on his neck, looking down at the floor walked into the room in front of the class. "My name is Shadow and Im 17 years old. I came from a different part of Mobius and now I live here." Sonic stared at Shadow and remembering the voice the stranger he crashed into earlier today was the same. "..."

Yay part 1!! :3: I hope u like so far and I will work on this more and finish part 2 hopefully soon and srry for typos :-:

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