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Taylor and I get out of the car and run into the hotel. What are the odds that the boys stay at the same hotel that we do? "OhMyGod, Tara!", Taylor says freaking out. "Woah chill, Tay. We ne--". I stopped mid sentence when I noticed the boys walking in. I turn back to Tay and shes already halfway to the boys. "HEY GUYS!!", she shouts, "Remember us?"  "Oh yeah, Taylor...", Aaron says; he turns to me, " and Tara." I feel my face turning red. I hate that I blush so easily. "Yeah, thats us.", I give a shy smile. "Isn't it totally rad that we stay at the same hotel?", Tay asks. "Yeah, maybe we could hang.", Nash says. "Yeah, sounds good.", the boys say. The boys give us their room number and Taylor and I go change considering we're kind of gross from the event. We run up to our room and take quick showers. I just throw on some pink skinny jeans, a black crop top, and sone black sandals. Then I put my hair into a messy bun and I dont bother putting on any makeup. Taylor is ready to go, so we head to the boys' room. We walk down the hallway and knock on the door. Cameron opens the door and welcomes us in with hugs. "Heeeeyyy!!!" is all we here when we come in . The boys are just hanging around in the room. Tay and I go over and sit on the bed next to Aaron and Nash.  "So what's up with you two?", Nash asks. "Nothing much," I answer, "Just hanging."  He smiles. "Okay guys!!", Taylor C. announces,"We're gonna play a game. Every one has a partner and you and your partner have to get the majority of the things on this list. Loser has to do whatever the winners say. deal?", he finishes.  "Deal.", we all say in unison. We all get a list of things to find. "Now, choose a partner. ", Taylor C. says, "I choose Taylor."  I look at Tay and she has this huge grin on her face. The rest of the boys are partnered up and that leaves me and Aaron.  "Looks like its us two.", he says. "Yup.", I say. Yup, Tara. Really?  I mentally slap myself. "Ready? Go!", Taylor C. says. Aaron and I run out of the room and down to the lobby. I take a look at the list and its a bunch of random things from the boys' room. "Nash's red vans? Taylor's orange bandana?", I read aloud, "What kind of list is this?" "Cameron and Nash made the list.", Aaron says with a small giggle. I cant help but laugh,  those two are crazy.

After seraching the entire hotel Aaron and I have found a small portion of the items on the list. Taylor texted Aaron that we should come back to the hotel room. We get in the elevator to go up stair. When we get in the room, everyone is back and counting their items. There we Thirty five items on the list and Aaron and I got eight. We thought we were going to lose, but it turns out Carter and Matt got seven items. Nash and Cam Won (Probably because they hid the items) and Carter and Matt had to drink whatever they blended together. Lets just say, it was gross. We stayed in their room all night making vines and just playing around. Eventually, it was 2:30 am and Tay and I decided to head back to our room. Before we left, we gave the boys hugs and exchanged numbers. Once we got back to the room, Tay and I collapsed on our beds and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at about 10:15 am, so I just layed there scrolling down my twitter timeline for a while before I got up. I put my phone on the charger and went into the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out, I put on my robe and straightened my hair once it was dry. I went to my bag and got a pair of distressed jean short, a white crop top, my black cardigan, and round black sunglasses. I got dressed then I put my hair in a bun on top of my head. Finally, I put on mascara, eyliner, and my favorite hot pink lipstick. When I walked into the room, Taylor was already dressed. "I figured you would want to go somewhere today, so I went ahead and got ready.", she said. She looks really pretty. Shes wearing a black tank top, a black blazer, neon yellow shorts, and a pair of silver sandals that compliment her silver necklace. I put on my black sandals that strap over the toes and around the ankle, then I grab my car keys and we head out for our last day here..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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