Pack Meeting

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The next day Scott calls me to meet him at the animal clinic. I have to go pick up Liam first. I park in front of his house and honk. A minute later he comes out and gets into my car. "You ready for your first pack meeting?" I ask and look at him for a second then back to the road. He looks a little nervous. "I guess so yeah." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you have nothing to worry about okay. You'll be safe with us." He just nods. We finally get to the clinic and walk in. We see Deaton and he smiles. "They're in the back." I nod and we walk to the back. Everyone is just sitting around. Scott notices us and speaks, "hey guys." Everyone says hi. Me and Liam sit with everyone else and Scott talks again. "Okay so I caled for the pack meeting because I want you guys to meet Liam." He smiles at Liam and he shyly smiles and looks down. "Liam this is Issac, Lydia, and Malia. Issac is a werewolf, Lydia is a banshee, and Malia is a werecoyote." Liam nods and waves to everyone. "How was your first turning?" Issac asks. Liam rubs the back of his neck, "it wasn't too bad, Stiles helped me a lot." I wrap my arm around his shoulder and we both smile. "Stiles is really good at that. He's helped me a lot." Malia says.

"Stiles is kinda the pack mom and Scott is the pack dad with him being the alpha and all." Issac says with a smirk. Scott blushes and looks away. "What! I am not the mom. I'm more like the pack advisor okay." Everyone just laughs. I roll my eyes and sit down with my arms crossed. Scott nervously laughs, "Guys enough." After everyone starts to get to know Liam and vise vera they leave. Me, Scott and Liam get into my jeep. Liam sits in the back and Scott in the front. "Do you guys have a lot of pack meetings?" Liam asks leaning onto the front seats. "Not really. Only when I think I need to tell everyone something major. We all usually hang out with each other anyways so the meetings don't happen often." Scott explains. Liam just nods his head. "How come Issac isn't your beta?" "His alpha left, then he joined my pack so he isn't my beta." Liam just nods again. "So I'm your only beta?" Scott turns around and smiles. "Yup, I've only changed you." Liam smiles. "Stiles how come you aren't a werewolf. Come on how can you not let your best friend change you." Scott and Liam both look at me. I look to Scott and he blushes. "Um well nothing has ever really happened for me to have to chnge him. I only change people when they're in danger. And we share a more different bond that is greater than an alpha and beta." I look at Scott in disbelief. He thinks we have a stronger bond than an alpha and his beta. "Wow." Liam whispers. We get to Liam's house and we all say our goodbyes and he leaves. It's just me and Scott now.

"So how come I've never heard you talk about this bond we apparently share." I ask, I look at him briefly. He looks away and chuckles nervously. "Uh I uh I kinda just found out about it." "Does it have a name? This bond." He rubs his neck, "yeah uh but just I think we should talk about this later. It's a lot to explain and we're at my house." I park the car. "Come one Scott talk to me." I look at him with worry. "Stiles just wait please I'm still figuring it out okay. When I know everything I will tell you I promise." He then gets out. I watch him walk into his house and I sigh.

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