I smell.....hormones?

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Stiles POV

After Scott told me about being his mate we decided to treat it like nothing, we're gonna act towards each other like we usually do. We don't want to get too into it. I picked him up and drove to school. The drive was quiet it wasn't awkward, well just a little. I mean we both don't know how to react to this. We parked and walked up the stairs the school has. We saw everyone sitting at the table we all hangout out, we walk up to the table and greet everyone. "What's up with you two, you guys are quieter than usual especially you Stiles, you never shut up." Malia states then snickers. I just glare at her. "We're fine." Scott says sternly. "Okay sour wolf part two no need for the angry face. Didn't know you spoke for Stiles now." Issac said with a smirk then looked down. Lydia hit him with her elbow then gave him a look. He put his hands up in surrender and was trying not to laugh. "He doesn't speak for me okay." I say while crossing my arms. Scott looks at me then I looked up and we made eye contact and I admittedly looked away Everyone looked at each other then to us. Lydia gives us a confused look and we both ignore it.

Liam looks up from the table. He tilts his head up and sniffs the air. "What the hell." He mutters. Everyone looks to him and he sniffs the air again. "Liam what are you doing?" Issac questions him. "I smell.....hormones?" He hesitates and questions it. He looks to me and Scott. I blush and look away and Scott looks down and rubs the back of his neck. Liam stands up and rushes over to us then sniffs around us. "Oh my god!" He shouts. "It's you two!" he backs away. Issac and Malia sniff around us too. They both burst out in laughter. I push Issac away and mutter a shut up. "Scott what is he talking about?" Lydia questions. He sighs and sits on the bench. He leans over and puts his elbows on his knees and put his face in his hands. "Stiles is my mate." He says quietly. Everyone yells what in unison. "He's your what?" Lydia questions again. "I'm his mate okay!" i yell in frustration, not loud enough for other people to hear us but still loud enough to surprise the group. They all look to me then to Scott. "That's what you smell, he's my mate and you can smell the alpha's attraction to his mate. Peter told me the alpha gives off a smell when they're around their mate." Me and Scott make eye contact the whole time he explains it to them.

"But we're the same, we're not treating anything any differently. Scott is still my best friend and we're not going to act different or anything like that. So you're all going to ignore it like us and no more talking about it." I say harshly to everyone. "How can we ignore it?! All I smell is your  hormones!" Liam yells. "Scott's, you just smell Scott's hormones okay. I'm his mate there was nothing about him being mine. Just stop with all this bull. I'm human this makes no sense and it's frustrating and I'm done, we don't talk about this anymore." I huff then walk away. I hear Scott yell my name and I ignore him then I keep walking. I'm just normal useless human Stiles he needs a better mate. i get to the door of the main school building, I turn around and see Scott punch a tree near our table. Issac pulls him by the back of his shirt an drags him away from the school. I'm guessing he was changing from  not controlling his emotions. Did I make him that upset?

I couldn't have caused that,is this mate thing that serious. I have to talk to Peter about this. I am not ruining what me and Scott have. But, what if I am his mate, then what? I help run the pack? I already do that. What changes? Okay Stiles calm down you're over thinking you don't need to cause yourself to have an anxiety attack. But think of Scott, god I was such a dick back there. I don't even know why I got so upset. I'm such an idiot. I get to my class and sit at a desk in the back of the classroom with my head down. I hear someone sit down next to me and I see it's Lydia. She turns to look at me then she scowls and turns away. "What did I do are you mad at me?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "Seriously Stiles, you aren't dumb and I know you didn't truly mean what you said back there but it was idiotic of you to say all of that. You know to take all this werewolf stuff seriously and you blew it off and upset Scott. He started shifting and Issac had to bring him into the woods." She huffs then looks away. I mutter the word crap then walk out of class. I need to figure all of this out, even if it takes the rest of my life I will know everything about this.

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