chapter 2

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I fell out the door, sucking in a big breath of air. Landing on my behind looking up to see what was going on. Only to come eye to eye with the new beta Adam Smith.
"I....I'm....I'm sorry be.beta sm.....smith" it was barely a whisper and I lowered my head. If anything I was scared of him more than the alpha. He kicked me in the rib while yelling at me " bitch who told you, you could speak to me.!! Your a worthless excuse of an Omega.. you should have died along with your sorry parents!!!." I just kept my eyes glued to the ground to afraid to look up. I didn't dare move or scream or cry and he beat me into oblivion, and I gladly welcomed the darkness.


When I came to I was in an all white room, and heard a beep beep beep to the right of me and looked to see a heart monitor I must have been in the infirmary. What the hell happened. It has never gotten bad to where I ended up in here. The beta must have been really mad, but why bring me here? So caught up in my own little world I hadn't noticed someone sitting in the corner staring at me. I turned so fast that I got whiplash and felt really dizzy. "Ouch.....What the..."my throat felt like sandpaper like I haven't used it in months, it was so dry, I needed water. I looked up at my visitor and visibly started to shake.
Sitting right in front of me was none other than the monster who put me here beta smith. " I'm sorry beta" I lowered my head. The next words that flew through my ears shocked me so much that the heart monitor went crazy " I'm I'm sorry Sheba" he apologized actually apologized. It felt as though this was a dream. But not even in my dreams have I ever thought anyone especially the beta would apologize to me. " I'm I'm sorry.....what?" I just stared at him like he grew another head. He looked frustrated, his eyes bore right into my retinas, then he spoke " I said I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you so badly I was just so mad and I got scared but you've been sleep for three days now I got really worried I'm really sorry I know you won't forgive me. Shit no one in this damn pack deserves your forgiveness after the way we've treated you. I let your parents down and I'm so sorry."

He just kept on going and going, I wasn't even listening after he said I was out for three days, three days three fudging day what the actual fuck did he do to me I mean I know I'm weak but what the actual fudge. " Three days!!! Omgosh I've missed three days of school oh my skittle sticks my grades!!!" He just stared at me flabbergasted and started to laugh " you.....Grades...Sleep.....Three...Days" was all I could comprehend through his laughs. After he sobers up he looks at me and smile a sad and guilty smile " just like your mother, always trying to make sure her brain was up to date with new information." He looked guilty and looked away from me. To say I was confused was an understatement. He was being nice to me and he knew my mother! He actually knew my mother!
"How do you know my mom?" I stared at him waiting for him to explain, waiting and waiting while he just sits there staring at me, the next thing I know he starts to cry and not the pretty kind, the cry you cry when you don't care if anyone sees you, the cry when your nose is running like crazy, and hiccups form, that cry. Like what the actual fudge sticks was going on!?, the man who beat me for five years was sitting in front of me crying and apologizing, what comes out of his mouth next shocked my socks off and pissed me the fuck off. "She was my sister" was all he said, scratch that, "she was my sister" was all I heard She was my sister she was my sister,
that is all I heard ringing over and over in my head. I actually had family! I had someone to call family.. but then the realization hit me so hard I couldn't breathe. I had family that I didn't know about and to top it all off he beat the living shit out of me, he haunted my dreams, he treated me so bad. I began to grow angry, began to see red. The nerve of this twat how dare he after so fucking long, he finally decides to come clean after he put me in the hospital for three days!!! Three fucking days!!!   
" How dare you come in here acting all worried about me. When it was you who put me here in the first place!."
I don't know where this confidence came from but I was on a role and I don't think I was gonna stop anytime soon " you come in here and after 10 years of abuse, beatings, blood, sweat, and being walked all over not being able to stand up for my self in fear of the out come and after you put me here! Now you want to tell me that your my fucking uncle!!!?? What kind of sick monster would let his own family get treated like that for ten years ten fucking years without saying a word or helping me. Just standing on the sidelines watching and you even joined in on the fun, and you know what's funny I am more afraid of you than the fucking Alpha of this sorry pack!. So tell me this what gives you the right to come and sit in here like you actually give a rats ass about me. Why after all these years!!? I was all alone for so long never having a friend or a family member to go to, and now you want to confess about being the only family I have left!!?? After you put me in the infirmary!! Why?"
I lost all of the fight I had left closed my eyes and just slumped into the sheets of my hospital bed. "Just...Just get out I...I need to time to think. I don't want to see you." The beta also now known as my jackass uncle hesitated for a bit but eventually got up slowly and walked to the door. But before he left I faintly heard him say " I'm sorry my little angle" at that I scoffed and slowly let the darkness take away all of my pain. Before the darkness took complete control a single tear slipped and I was out.

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