chapter 1

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Sheba P.O.V

Have you ever felt scared for your life. Like something or someone was just seconds away from snapping it's fingers and that was that. That is how I felt at the moment. My alpha John was pissed because I accidentally dropped his phone and it broke. At times like theses I wished my parents were still alive to protect me.
      You see ten years ago when I was seven my parents got killed in a rouge attack trying to save me. Which at the time I believed but now I just think it's a load of shit. For the past ten years I have grown up with no friends and got beat everyday. I'm the packs Omega even though my father was the beta I've become the packs favorite punching bag. Every time someone is mad they come to me and I have no choice but to comply. At least I was only used as a punching bag if you know what I mean. Every night I always go to sleep with something broken and bleeding but I don't cry anymore. I haven't cried for the past five years. That's how emotionally drained I am at the moment, I also believe that I wasn't destined to have a mate because even if I did he or she would flat out reject me. I stopped thinking about mates like three years ago. But at least they let me go to school that's a plus on my end.
"SHEBA!!!!!" That brought me out of my thoughts real quick. I look up at my so called alpha straight in his eyes but not for long. "did you break my phone you slut!!!?"
She backed up in fear of what was to come. "I.....I did....Didn't.. mea.....Mean to. sorry" the authority in his voice scared me shitless. I was about to dart away but thought back on last time I tried to run. Long story short I couldn't walk for a week. So I stayed bolted to the ground and awaited my punishment. Every second I waited, every second I became more and more afraid.when was he......SLAP!!!!! He hit me so hard my head twisted to the other side and a few tears slipped out on their own. But I didn't cry or scream because that is what he wanted and I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of my suffering. See most people who are in my situation either become mute and take their own lives, but I'm to stubborn to let these bastards break me like that, I guess I get that from my father. Alpha was still beating me, I think he broke a rib or two, but I dulled out the pain along time ago so I just sat there well lay there getting kicked in the stomach. After he was done I got up and went to my room which was just a shabby old shed out in the back yard. The alpha nor the pack wanted me in the pack house. It was like a haunted house except for the size, my bed couldn't even fit so every night I either sleep outside in wolf form or I sleep in a little ball in the shed which was never comfortable but I make do. I'm now getting ready for school which is the only light of the day, but I dread it all at the same time. I bet your wondering why, well it's an all wolf school and the bullying never ceases.
      As I'm walking the 20 minute walk a car passes me and throws a can at my head yelling " dirty bitch!" And laughing. Even though I'm used to it it still kinda hurts. I finally get to the gate and stop trying to mentally prepare myself even though it's no use just ignore them just ignore them I chant over and over then enter my hell and also my heaven. As I enter the parking lot the bullying begins, but I'm use to the whispers why doesn't she just kill herself.....She is so ugly....I feel sorry for her mate. Blah blah ball I've heard it all before, and I really didn't give a rats ass. I mean I know I'm ugly and I know that my mate would reject me as soon as he or she saw me, hey I'm not picky I take what I can get which isn't really much. But hey I'm sadly alive but what can I say I just haven't been pushed to that point where I wanted to die. Yeah I hate being alone and wished I had a friend or some type of family but we never get what we wish for. Anyways back to my point....(What was my point???) Oh well, as I went to my first period which was algebra honors (just because I get beat up every day doesn't mean I let it affect my grades or school work) FYI I'm one of the smartest people in this school. But I wouldn't dare brag or I actually might end up dead.
I went to class sitting in the very back away from everyone just taking notes. The school day went by in a blur thank God for that. I don't really know when I got home but when I did I wish I hadn't. But like I said we never get what we wish for unless your one lucky son of a gun. As soon as I walked through the door the wind was knocked clean out of me.

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