Letting You Go

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Before we get into this, I just wanted to say that I could not decide who I wanted this to be about, so I kinda left it blank. I imagine Yoongi, but that's probably because he's my UB and I can't imagine relationships outside of him (I'm loyal lol). Let me know if you like it that way or if I should just grow a pair and pick lol. 

I used my spare key to unlock the door to my boyfriend's apartment. I had a few bags of groceries in my arms as we were going to cook together for date night. He's been pretty distant lately, so I thought a fun night together might help. I walked in and set the bags on the counter. "I should go find him and surprise him," I thought, "He'll probably be in his office." I walked down the familiar hallway of the apartment. I had laughed, cried, yelled, and danced all through this place. We had some serious fights here, but we also had great times. I quietly came to the door of the office and opened it swiftly. "Surprise!" I yelled. There I saw MY boyfriend making out with some half naked chick. He swiftly turned around.

"Sophie!" His dark brown eyes were wide at my sudden appearance.

I quickly walked back to the living room with him trailing me. I paced in front of the couch collecting my thoughts. The girl came walking out looking slightly disheveled, but I didn't pay much attention to her. 

"I..um...I," My partner of nearly 3 years now began trying to explain himself

"Shh," I quickly retorted. He sat on the couch and lay his head in his hands. Those hands that I adored. Those that had caressed me so tenderly. We stayed that way in silence for a few minutes.

"Please just say something! You must be mad at me. Yell, shriek, scold me, for goodness sake!" He said desperately.

"Oddly enough, I'm not mad. I'm not even surprised, really." I replied calmly, "Honestly, I think this moments has been coming for a while now, we've just been resisting it." He looked down and picked at his nails as I spoke. "Look, we're both still young and have a lot of growing up to do."

"Don't do this, Sophie because if you do, you know I'm not going to be able to reverse it."

"Therein lies the problem, you can't share your feelings, you're stubborn as a mule, and even if you know what's good for you, you won't do it if it hurts your pride. And I can't make you change...it's not my job. You have to grow on your own and become your perfect self before you can be anybody else's perfect man." 

"Sophie..." His pleading eyes looked deep into my blank, grey ones. He grabbed my hand.

"I want you to know that letting you go is hard, but I realize now I have to," I sighed fighting back tears, "I'll get my things and be out of your hair." I took a deep breath before pulling my hand away from his and walking out.


Please, Sophie, come back. Say we can try to make things work. I know I hurt you...often, but I can be a better me. You deserve the better me. If only I could say these words to her. Why can't I control myself? Why do I have to hurt the ones I love the most? 

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