The Rude Couple (Yoongi)

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Yoongi and his gf being rude to each other.

1. Sleeping

I was sleeping deeply on a bed of chairs I had configured backstage. It was simply two chairs facing each other and one in between to hold up my midsection. Today was a BigHit special concert, and our mic check was super early, so I wanted some extra rest. Suddenly, the middle chair flew out from under me, causing me to slip through the crack and land on my butt. 

"What the fuck man! I was sleeping," I looked up at the offender - Yoongi. Even though we've been dating for over a year, we still aren't very sweet to each other. I flashed him two middle fingers from my spot on the floor. (Mother Jin shocked in corner at my language)

"Wow...such a lady! I just don't want your face to be all puffy for the concert okay?"

"You couldn't find a better way to wake me up?"

He just shrugged.

{I was thinking this could also be how Tae would wake his girlfriend in this situation, but then be really cute about it. Maybe I should do the rest of the members waking their girls up.}

2. Ice Pack

I was waiting backstage for Yoongi and his members to come backstage after their performance, and I noticed that one of the stylists was frantically rummaging through everything. 

"Do you need some help there?" she looked up at me with wild, frazzled eyes. 

"I can't find anything to cool of the boys when they get off stage."

"Do you want me to go out and buy some ice packs?"

"No, you should be here for Yoongi when they finish, I guess I'll have to run to the store," with that she grabbed her wallet and ran off. Minutes later, the boys came backstage. 

"Y/N!" Hoseok was the first to greet me, "What are you doing here?" 

"I wanted to surprise you guys!" We stood waiting for Yoongi, the boys fanning themselves. "Aish, that grandpa is slow." Yoongi finally emerged from the hallway. 

"I've told you, if you want to see me go fast, just stay the night one time," 

"Yoongi!!" I scolded him and slapped his chest. 

"Where are all the ice packs?" Jungkook suddenly asked

"I was thinking the same thing," Yoongi added.

"Your stylist couldn't find any so she had to go out and buy more. I'm sure she'll be back soon." Yoongi rapidly turned to face me.

"Y/N, give me your hands!"

"Oh my goodness what's wrong?" his urgency surprised me, so I quickly stuck my hands out. He grabbed them and placed them on his forehead, sighing in relief as he did so. "What are you doing?! Ughhh! Gross! You're all sweaty, Yoongi!" I attempted to pull my hands away, but his grip was strong. 

"Just leave them there for a little while, Jagi," he said, moving my hands to his cheeks and neck, "I knew I could count on your cold hands." Just then the stylist walked in with a bag in hand. 

"I'm here!" she shouted. Everyone rushed to her, including Yoongi who was still dragging me along. He let me go to grab an ice pack. 

"I do this all day," I said demonstrating balling my fists tightly and releasing, "and they're still cold." I pouted, looking down at my hands. 

Yoongi gently lifted my chin and said, "It's okay, I like your cold hands." I smiled at this. "It's one of your weird traits that's actually good," he ended. I glared at him and slapped his hand away from my chin. 

"Started off sweet, but you ruined it!" 

{That was kinda just for me because my hands are always freezing, even during the summer. So that explains that weirdness...}

3. The Dream

"I used to get kind jealous of how Jimin acts around you," Yoongi confessed to me, "He's always so flirty, and I know nothing's going on and that's just the kind of bond you two have, but it used to really get under my skin."

"Awww, sweety," I replied, "I know...Jungkook told me how you used to bitch about it all the time."

"I DID NOT BITCH! I simply brought it up a few times." 

"Suuuure," I nodded. Just then, I received a text from one of my members, saying she needed me asap. "I gotta go, I'll see you soon!" I leaned in and gave Yoongi a quick peck on the lips. "I understand why they call you sweet lips...Jimin," I teased.

"Y/N-ahh!" Yoongi groaned at me. I just smiled widely and began walking towards the door. As I did so, I looked over my shoulder, smacked my butt, and said, "Oh Jimin I've been naaaughty!" I ran out of his room, into the hall.

"Y/N! You're so mean!" I could hear Yoongi padding across the floor. As Yoongi entered the hall, I turned to face him and nearly shouted, "Mmmm, Park...Ji...min!!!" Yoongi rushed to me, picking me up by the waist. 

"I know you have stuff to do now, but you watch your back because I'm going to get you for this." He set me down, and I beamed innocently at him. "You mark my words, Y/N." He wiggled his finger at me. 

{Personally, I like the rude couple concept (probably because I'm really sarcastic and not super lovey-dovey), but if you hate it let me know!}

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