1 - Alexander Hammington

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Alex's POV

Kindergarten. Sounded weird but papa told me I would get to write essays so I'm excited. I hope I make friends. Maybe I'll even get a girlfriend! Dad says that girlfriends are important.

Papa lazily knocked on the door of my new classroom for kindergarten and slapped me on the back before walking off as soon as it opened. A tall guy with no hair opened the door and smiled down at me.

"Hi Mr no hair guy, papa left but I'm Alexander Hamilton" I extended my hand like papa always did at his business meetings. I thought business involved paper and essays and cool stuff but  the guy always just gives my papa a plastic bag with white or little green nugget stuff in it and papa gives him money. They don't even wear suits. So informal.

"Hello Alexander! Let me introduce you to the class, I'm George Washington, Mr Washington" The bald dude closed the door behind and me, revealing a class of about fourteen small students.

"Everyone, say hello to Alexander Hamilton"

"Hello Alexander Hamilton" the class echoed, half sounded excited and the other sounded like tumblr people on a Monday morning.

"Hello Alexander Hammington" a boy with curly brown hair and freckles sang happily and the whole class stared at him. He turned red and slid down in his seat, face flushed with embarrassment.

"So, tell us a little bit about yourself Alex!"

"I'm an immigrant from the Caribbean" I started and a girl in yellow put her hand up into the air.

"Can you get me Jack Sparrow's autograph?" She pleaded and Washington rolled his eyes and made me continue.

"Well my dada does serious business with guys who give him stuff in plastic bags, my mama works at a cafe. I get free donuts! I love politics and public speaking! And talking!"

"Well.... alrighty then...any questions?" Washington inquired and patted me on the back.

"Did you bring any diseases over here?" A guy in grey asked and Washington quickly ushered me to a seat and shushed the boy.

I took the  seat next to the freckled boy who had his curly hair tied into a low ponytail- like me! Except my hair was straight. He wore long sleeves, which was odd since it was middle of summer. I was in between him and  a girl wearing a fluffy, blue, polka dot dress. Her dark brown hair was straight and shiny.

Holy chocolate chip cookie dough. He's pretty.

A few minutes later, the pretty boy next to me slide a note onto my desk and looked around cautiously.

(A/N If the words in the note are underlined it means Lil kiddo John has crossed them out)

To Alexander Hammington

Hi, I'm John Laurens. You're cute I like your Star Wars shirt. I like Star Wars too. Your Lion backpack is really cool as well. I like your face a lot. I'm sure I'll like your personality a lot too Can you be my new best friend?

- John Laurens

I folded the note up and carefully tucked it in the front zipper of my backpack and smiled at John who blushed .

"Now, Who knows about government?" Washington asked.

A boy with REALLY big hair shot his hand up and frantically shuffled in his seat. He wore a lot of pink and purple velvet. Like a lot. I think he had more velvet than Donald trump has spray tans.

Hamilton Kindergarten Where stories live. Discover now