Chapter 3 - donuts

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Alex's POV

I'm getting married to Eliza today. I hope marriage includes donuts. I'm having a craving for donuts.

"John?" I patted my new best friend on the shoulder and he spun around to greet me. "Do you get donuts at weddings?"

"Hm, I don't know" he replied "you have to get dressed for the wedding"

"Ooh ooh! Let me help!" Laf screamed, Hercules tagging behind him. "Now who do you want to be wearing?" Laf asked, making square shapes around me with his hands.

"Uh? Cotton?" I replied.

" that's no Louis Vuitton but cotton will work!" The French boy pulled me along, John followed close behind and sat me in a chair. He pulled a shiny bag out of his backpack, pulling out things I see ladies use on the street sometimes.

"Herc, the foundation"

"What's that?" Hercules asked.

"The skin colour stuff"

"There's a lot of skin coloured stuff here"

Laf sighed and picked it up himself, rubbing it all over my face.

However long makeup usually takes laterrrrr

"Herc! The eyeliner!" Hercules handed him a cylinder shaped tube. "That's mascara" about ten different products later, Laf got his small hands on the eyeliner and swiped it across my lids before swinging my chair around to face John.

"You look very pretty" John exclaimed excitedly while blushing. I smiled and he helped me up, walking with me to class.


"Mr Washington, who invented mac n cheese?" Thomas asked.

"A person"

"Which person?"

"Some specific person" Washington replied. Thomas had been asking questions like these all day and I think George was just fed up by now.

"Do you get donuts when you get married?" John asked.

"No, you get less Netflix"

The class let out a groan. Marriage didn't seem like much fun.

"I'm never getting married, or getting a girlfriend" I whispered to John.

"Me neither, seems boring" he replied.

"ELIZA! ALEX!" Peggy called for my soon to be wife and I. "You stand here and John stands in between you.

"Why?" Eliza seemed unamused with the positioning.

"Cause he's the dude that reads from the small book and stuff" Peggy answered, pushing everyone into positions. "OK! Marriage time!"

"And then donuts?" I asked and nobody answered.

"Say your vows"John read blandly out of a small notebook.

"I vow to be a goodly wife" Eliza smiled.

"I want donuts" I said. Is that what you're meant to say?

"You may kiss the bride" John knotted his eyebrows and scrunched up his nose at the sight of Eliza kissing me on the cheek.

"OH MY GOD ALEX AND ELIZA HAD SEX" Thomas gasped and a collective mumbling was heard before it turned into screaming.

(A/N John basically watched a kindergarten porno)

"What's sex?" I asked my best friend.

John looked around to see if anyone was watching and whispered in my ear; "kissing on the cheek"

"Oh no"

"MR WASHINGTON! Eliza and Hamilton had Sex!" Thomas whined, everyone screaming behind him.

Washington choked on his Cheetos and stared at Jefferson."What did they do?"

"Eliza kissed Hamilton on his face" Maria screeched and everyone screamed even louder.

"Kids, that's not sex" Washington laughed and everyone stared at him curiously.

"Sex is when two people-" mr Washington didn't have time to finish because the bell rang and everyone ran out. I guess I'll just search up what it is on google.


"You and Eliza didn't get married!" John said, almost happily.

"Thank god, she might stop me from eating my donuts"


Short chapter bc I feel like shit and I also have the flu yaaaaay life sucks but at least Alex gets donuts later on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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