Chapter 41

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She had no idea how long she stood there. There was one moment when she tried to punch him, then realized that he was already gone. Bringing her hand up, she tentatively touched her lips, as if unsure of what she would find there.

She tried to get angry. What the hell was that? First, he shows up after two years and two birthday postcards, then gets all mad when she still thinks of him as a student, then says he loves her, and then…

The way he looked at her after he said that was burned into her memory. She had never seen him like that. She had seen him angry, bitter, sad, hopeless, but never… passionate.

Her treacherous heart started pounding again at the memory of it.

And that kiss… no, she was not at all ready to think about that. Dealing with that look was quite enough for the moment, and she wasn't sure she wanted to think about that either. Especially since that look had… to put it bluntly, frightened her.

Ah, how the mighty have fallen. Twenty gang members wielding pipes, no sweat – but one guy looks at you like a woman and all of a sudden you're scared.

Yankumi made a face at that thought. That wasn't strictly true. She had daydreams of confessions and looks of love…

Yes, but those were dreams. This is a real guy, really confessing his real love. And you have no idea what to do about it.

Her shoulders slumped. She didn't. She had no idea what to do. For the first time in her life, there was no enthusiastic plan that immediately came to mind.

Shivering, she looked around and realized she was standing out in the cold in the middle of the night. She walked back into the house, unconsciously touching her lips again.

"Ojou! Have you been outside this whole time?" Minoru asked as he and Tetsu looked up from cleaning.

"Fine. Tired. Bed. Night." She answered as she headed to her room.

Minoru looked after her confusedly, while Tetsu glanced outside with a gaze that might have been jealousy or sadness.

Yankumi did not sleep well.

She was either too hot, or too cold, or her pillow was too flat, or her mattress was lumpy. When she did sleep, it was plagued with visions of Shinohara glancing at Yoshizumi, then he turned into Shin and suddenly she was Yoshizumi and he was looking at her and about to…

Then she woke up.

After an hour or so of thinking in circles, she realized that she had no idea what to do because she had no experience with any of this.

When Tetsu had confessed to her, she had been surprised and caught off guard, but she still knew the answer. She didn't love him, not that like that.

But with Shin… she didn't have an answer. And she had no idea how to find one. What she needed was someone who knew about these things. Who was experienced with love, and being a teacher, and dealing with students.

"You didn't have a problem with Noda and Fujiyama!"

That was it! Fujiyama-sensei would know how to deal with this! She scrambled for her phone and scrolled through her contacts.

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