Rants 1# School.

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Rant 1 by the fabulous elmo *bows*:

1: Homework.

Okay so I have ALOT to rant around this subject but first I'm going to start with something every teen,kid,mid-twenty,dog,cat,flying hobo fears from: HOME (infact scratch that I'm shaking with fear here trying to type it...) H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K. (much better).

I mean come on already! We are bright...well some of us are bright enough without it messing up our brains,it's not helping us raise our knowledge instead its fudging bringing it so low down to the ground that it can beat the world's greatest limbo dancer! Parents and teachers go on and on about how we should enjoy our teenage years while we still have it or regret when we lose it...if that's the case then Y U GIVE US H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K THAT WASTES OUR FREE TIME AND BEFORE U KNOW IT IT'S BED TIME and just saying its not fudging stress that is making us bald its fudging school! So next time a teacher tries to give me homework I'm going to tell her/he this wonderful poem I made:

'paper comes from trees

trees are apart of nature that helps us breathe

homework is made from paper

big guy cuts down tree to make paper to give us homework

no tree mean nothing to help us breathe

animals live in tree

no tree no animal no animal no nothing

well done you just done the meteors job and killed planet earth

and you didnt have the decency to mark it anyway

so what im trying to say is

Homework Kills Nature!

2: Stereotypes.

Now school is the worst place for stereotype,I for one get stereotyped constantly in school which sucks big time for me since I cannot stand stereotyping,it SUCKS okay and if you just love stereotyping then you suck,sorry to sound harsh but its not good it starts bullying and sh*t like that,l have been called all sorts infact anything that wears dark clothing...except for one time a guy stereotyped me as Edward Cullen but thats a long story and has nothing to do with this rant...

Anyway if you or someone you know gets stereotyped everytime you walk past someone then try what I done and tell them that if they can sing Garden Of Eden by Guns 'n' Roses the first time round without looking at the lyrics in time to the music and Axl Rose the lead singer then they can stereotype me everyday and a bonus 5 bucks and trust me I win EVERY time *wink* and not only do you stop the stereotyping one person at a time,you save 5 bucks and get them humiliated.

But seriously it needs to stop,just because someone likes wearing black dont mean they're goth,or if they come to school with a cut on the arm doesnt mean there emo for all we know they couldve slipped or something? I don't know but anyway you don't know what that persons life is like until YOU WALK A MILE IN THEIR SHOES!

3: Mean Teachers.

So I have this one teacher who NEVER smiles! Im not jokeing,she doesnt smile,laugh or anything that is happy in that matter this one time a new guy in my class 2 fridays ago came in and  was asked to introduce himself this is how the conversation went :

Justin (new guy) : Hello,I'm Justin and I'm 16.

Us: Hey Justin!

Mrs Darck: Anything else you want to add to your intro Justin?

Justin: Urr sure! Im happy most of the time,i like surfing,jog-

Mrs Darck: Get Out.

And that ladies and gentleman was our teacher on a good day,and no of that example was exaggerated,as you can see her worst enemies is happiness and sport so too bad for Justin since he is a very sporty and cheerful guy...

What I'm trying to say is if your a teacher,mean,hate teens/childeren,heres a little question Y U WORK IN A SCHOOL!? They say we the dumb ones *rolls eyes* then again...i am quite dumb but that not the case...IF U NO LIKE US WORK SOMEWHERE ELSE LIKE A...A! LET ME THINK....AH HA GOT IT! Y U NO WORK IN A OLD PEOPLE HOME? There arent any teens there and when there is we are normally good otherwise we get lectured for hours and hours,betcha never thought of that *taps forehead* me ish a smart cookie so why dont cha run n tell that ...homeboy?

4: Short rant: Bullying In High School.

They stick the smaller weak freshmen fresh out of middle school with big,tall,strong seniors and yet they wonder why bullying is such a big issue!?

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