Chapter 9 - {Peeta's POV, District Twelve}

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Here's your next chapter! I saw THG movie twice on the weekend! I loved it! It was amazing! Did anyone else? This chapter starts off as Peeta's POV but ends in Prim's POV so look out for the change. Hope you enjoy. If you haven't already could you please fan me? VOTE and COMMENT!


{Peeta's POV, District Twelve}

Tomorrow was the day. The day even I had night meres about. Katniss going into the arena was just as scary and dreaded to watch for me as for her family. It had been a couple of days since I first entered the Everdeen home.

Every day I would leave the bakery with some bread that I would sneak out with me, I took little amounts so it wasn't too noticeable, then I would head over to the Everdeen house. I would join Prim and her mother for breakfast which was partly what I brought and partly what Prim provided from her goat like cheese and milk.

Then Prim would get ready for school early so that on the way we could stop by they shops in the town and sell her goat's milk and cheese. After that we went to school. Then once the school day was done, I would walk Prim home, we would watch the training and the stuff we missed then I would leave to work my shift at the bakery.

That was a daily routine. My parents didn't know where I went but they didn't care. As long as I was home every night, on time for my shifts and didn't interfere with the business, they didn't bother me.

Today was a Saturday, so I didn't have school. It also meant I had to work longer at the bakery. Prim knew I wouldn't be able to meet up with her until later on, she told me she had something she needed to do on her own anyway.

I herd my father calling me from downstairs to hurry up and get working. I rushed downstairs and went into the kitchen and followed his instructions. After a couple hours I would sneak out to the Everdeen house.


Prim's POV

I woke up early to the melody of mockingjay's singing in the distance. I was about to get ready for school and find Peeta, when I realized today was a Saturday. No school and no Peeta until he got off work.

I went downstairs and scooped up the cheese I had made last night. Mom was in the sitting room watching the television. She was always watching it, watching Katniss. Right now, new footage of the training center was being shown. We were going to watch the interviews tonight with Peeta.

I told mom I was going out for a bit to sell my cheese. She just nodded and softly told me to be careful.

I walked down the dirt road but I didn't to the market. No I walked somewhere else that I had been waiting a while to go by myself. I went to visit the Hawthorne's. I had been there many times with Katniss. Sometimes when she was out hunting with Gale I would go and see Hazelle, play with Posy and talk with Rory and Vick.

When I got closer and could see the house just up the road, Hazelle saw me through the window and waved to me with a smile. I smiled back and came the door. She immediately welcomed me inside, giving me a warm hug.

   "Good morning, Hazelle," I greeted her and handed her the cheese.

She took it gratefully and kissed me on the head. "Thank you, Prim. How have you and your mother been doing?" she asked.

I nodded, "We're doing well," I answered.

I herd a screech followed by crying coming from the other room. It was a baby's cry and that mean Posy was awake. Hazelle excused herself and offered me a seat at the table while she went to deal with her.

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