"That can't happen, that isn't happening."

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"Something's wrong. Please go wake up Carole, something's wrong," he said, tears in his eyes as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Kurt looked at Blaine in shock for a minute before getting up and running off to wake up Burt and Carole.

After arriving at the hospital successfully, the doctors rushed Blaine back, wanting to find the cause of the bleeding and to make sure Elizabeth's vitals were still stable. Kurt paced the waiting room, not allowed back at that point. "He's going to be fine, Kurt," Burt said with a nod, although he didn't know if he even believed it. Carole had dismissed herself to the bathroom, too overwhelmed with the situation to be able to handle the reality of it. "Dad, you don't know that," Kurt pointed out with tears in his eyes. After a few minutes of waiting, a nurse came to collect Kurt and told him that they would need to do an emergency c-section, but other than that she didn't have very much information. "What happened? What's going on?" Kurt demanded, before running into the hospital room to rejoin his fiance. "Hey," Blaine said, looking over at Kurt. "What's going on? Why are they operating now? Why won't anyone tell me anything?" He demanded. Blaine took a deep breath, tears in his eyes as he looked to the wall of the hospital room. "They..don't think she's going to make it," he answered honestly. He'd numbed himself enough to show nothing on the outside anymore. "What?" Kurt asked, in complete disbelief. "She isn't going to make it, Kurt. That's why we have to deliver now, so that I'm not in danger or that I won't go into my shock, well my body," he answered quietly and calmly. Angry tears filled Kurt's eyes as he shook his head furiously. "No, NO. That can't happen, that isn't happening. She's fine, she's fine right?" He asked desperately, before taking off into the hallway. "She's fine right?" He asked, grabbing the arm of the nurse who had let him into the room in the first place. "She's fine right? My baby will be fine?" Kurt demanded, tears streaming down his face. He took a deep breath before letting her go and sinking to the ground, letting out a soft sob into his hands at the reality of the situation.

Once the doctor felt ready enough to take Blaine back into the room, Kurt had managed to numb himself as much as possible as well and the two didn't dare speak of the situation. He'd gotten dressed in his scrubs before following them into the delivery room. He stood near Blaine's head, holding his hand in his unsteadily, his hands shaking as the doctor made the first incision and carefully began trying to deliver their daughter. They successfully removed the very still full sized baby from Blaine before whisking her away. Kurt looked back over at them, tears filling his eyes. He could feel something in his heart tear as he looked at their baby and then back at Blaine, who had his eyes squeezed shut, tears leaking from them. He leaned over, giving Blaine a kiss on the head before they started to clean him up.

"We never should've agreed to give her up," Blaine whispered. "This is all my fault. We were..selfish. I should've listened when you wanted to keep her, I should've gone to the doctor sooner, I should've..I should've done something better," he said sadly. "This isn't your fault, honey," Kurt responded. "But we probably should've kept her. I wanted to. I want to keep her so badly," he admitted, glancing over at him again. Blaine sniffled softly before hearing a knock at the door. "Hi there," said the doctor, with a smile on her face. Blaine felt disgusted by her look of optimism and closed his eyes again. "I've got some news for you guys," she said softly. "She made it. The nurses resuscitated her after the birth. She has a small heart condition, but otherwise she's, just perfect," the doctor explained. Kurt and Blaine both looked at the doctor in disbelief as a nurse rolled the baby out in a small bed. "Just be very careful of her monitors, okay?" The doctor warned, helping Blaine hold her first. Kurt sniffled softly, letting out a soft sob as he looked at the perfect baby in Blaine's arms. Blaine cried too, sniffling as he moved his hand to rub the baby's hand. "Look it's our little Lizzie," Kurt whispered, looking back at him. "In an hour or so, the adoption agent will be up to help you fill out the paperwork for Burt and Carole to adopt her," the doctor told them. "Just a few things to sign and everything will be all worked out," she said, smiling again. "Sound good?" She asked. Blaine and Kurt both looked at the doctor before looking at the baby and then each other.

//i decided to just upload both because i've made you guys wait long enough.

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