pregnant and working (19)

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Elliot stayed the night at Olivia's again

The next moring Olivia went to work and Elliot went to his job

Olivia walked in and sat at her desk

"Hey Liv" Nick said smilng

"Hey Nick, what do we got today?" Olivia said

"13 year old girl was found in the water under the bridge, Fin's talking to the guys who found the body, Amanda is at the girls partners house and you and I get to go talk to Warrner" Nick said

"what's Munch doing" Olivia said

"I'm in charge" Munch said walking over to her

"where's Cragen at?" Olivia said

"IAB found out about Cragen covering up something that Elliot did a few years ago" Munch said

"that's not fair, whatever it was it happened years ago" Olivia said

Munch shruged

Olivia sighed and stood up

"Lets go see Warrner" Olivia said

They leave

Olivia and Nick walked in to the addtopsy room

"whatcha got for us" Olivia said

"13 years old, raped, beaten, you name it it happened" Warrner said

"DNA?" Olivia said

"she was in the water for clsoe to 7 hours, anything we could have used is long gone, but I did find this" Warrner said as she opened the girls mouth

"what?" Nick said

"Semen, she was done when she went in the water, her mouth was still closed so the water didnt wash it out" Warnner said

Olivia sighed and had her hand on her tummy

"you alright?" Nick said looking at her

Olivia nodded

"So, can you get anything from it?" Olivia said

"havent got the tests back, shouldnt be long though" Warnner said

"Alright, let us know if you find anything" Olivia said as they walked out

"You sure your okay?" Nick said as she were walking back to the station

"Yeah, moring sickness that's all" Olivia said smilng

Later that night they havent found anything to lead them to the killer.

Everyone was standing around the screens talking

Munch came out and went over to them

"Guys, another muder, 13 year old girl found dead just a block away from the water" Munch said

They all sighed and started to leave

"Liv, why dont you go home and get some rest" Nick said

"No Nick I'm fine" Olivia said

"come on, it's almost midnight, go home get some sleep and I'll call you if we find anything, please" Nick said

Olivia sighed and picked up her jacket

"Fine but call me if anything new happens, got it?" Olivia said

"I will" Nick said

Olivia went home

Olivia walked in to her apartment  and smiled when she saw Elliot laying on the couch sleeping, she walked over to him and kissed his cheek then went to her bedroom and went to sleep

pregnant and working (19)Where stories live. Discover now