Part Two

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Madhu opens her eyes with a smile. She felt reborn and refreshed, and that was strange as she had no rest the previous night. RK was a very demanding lover then she wondered whether everyone was like that? Even she was demanding but she had no previous experience to state it as a fact. Then she realized that she didn’t want to experience this with anyone else. Last night, realizing that RK had rejected her but he desired her physically now had made her decide to give her virginity to him. She knew there was no chance between them now, and she will eventually have to marry someone else and before that she wanted to have this one night with him, wanted him to love her once. She didn’t regret it because it might have been sex for him but for her it was love. But now she realized that she cannot do what she did with RK, with another person. She belonged to him and him alone.


Now that it was morning, she wondered whether she was supposed to leave, what did people do after they have a one night stand? What did RK expect her to do? She decides to stay there for some more time as she was never going to get an opportunity like this. She pulls up the blanket as she snuggled closer to RK who was sleeping on his stomach. Feeling her close to him, he opens his eyes then closes it and says disappointedly, “Madhu… you are still here?” she felt her heartbreak as she realized that he had expected her to leave once it was over. Trying to leave before he asks her to leave, she starts to get up when he says with his eyes closed “I expected you to wake me up with breakfast and coffee. Breakfast in bed.” Then he opens his eyes and says with a frown and disappointment “I thought you were romantic.” Madhu starts relaxing and smiling realizing that he didn’t expect her to act as if it didn’t happen or her to leave for that matter. She was about to get up to make breakfast for him when he puts his hand over her stomach and pulls her closer. He starts nuzzling her neck, “You alrite?” he asks gently. “Yes.” Madhu starts blushing profusely. He moves back slightly his forehead touching hers as he looked at her face to confirm for himself frowning cutely. Seeing her blush, he starts smiling, “You ready for round 2?” “I thought round 2 was long over?” she says blushing. He starts kissing her on her neck. “Or for that matter, round 3.” He bites her ear lobe making her gasp out loud. “Round 4 or 5 or 100, you do know that I want you right?” RK asks her hotly. Madhu nods blushing as she hugged him then says blushing “I feel it.” He groans as he takes her lips into his, kissing her soundly.



She was lying on his chest as they tried to steady their breaths. She was happy that he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to get rid of her, if anything he seemed too content to stay with her in bed. He was lazily drawing circles on her back with his finger; she looks up at him and realizes that he was not even aware he was doing it as he seemed lost in thoughts. She wondered what he was thinking, was it about her? Sensing her eyes on him, he looks at her and smiles seeing her watch him. She smiles back and he gently kisses her on her forehead as he hugged her tighter. “I will make something for us to eat.” “Okay.” Madhu gets up and looks around for her clothes as she pulled the blanket closer to her wrapping herself. Her clothes were not on her side of the bed, and she turns to look at his side and sees him sitting up now leaning on the head rest grinning widely. “What happened, Madhu?” “My clothes” she says hesitantly as she blushed. She didn’t know why she was feeling so shy suddenly; it’s not something he hasn’t seen already. “It’s here on the floor.” RK tells her grinning. “Can you pass it?” “No.” he replies grinning wider. “RK, please.” He simply shakes his head grinning at her. Taking a deep breath she rolls over him under the blanket and grabs her clothes from the floor. She victoriously looks at him and sees him smiling happily, and he asks “How are you going to wear it?” her smile drops wondering how she will wear her clothes. She pulls the blanket over her and decides to wear her clothes under the blanket. She feels the blanket being pulled then she heard him say, “It’s dark but I can still see.” She looks at him shocked to see him inside the blanket. “RK NO!” she screams as she pulls the blanket from over his head making him laugh. She pokes her head out of the blanket and he smiles tenderly at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he lovingly caresses her cheeks with his thumb, “you don’t have to be shy with me, Madhu.” “I am.” Madhu says pouting, “Can you close your eyes?” “I don’t want to.” RK says shrugging. Madhu frowns as she looked around and seeing his towel she quickly grabs it, and goes under the blanket and wraps it around herself. “That is not fair!” RK mutters to her in the dark under the blanket. Quickly grabbing her clothes, Madhu dashes to the bathroom, “Everything is fair in love and war!” Madhu shouts laughing.  She comes out of the bathroom fully dressed and smiles seeing him downright upset and pouting. She throws the towel at him laughing, “Take it!” she says as she leaves the room.

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