Part Three

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RK kisses her passionately as he did wicked things to her with his fingers. Madhu starts trembling in passion as she breathed heavily. "RK..." she moans as she hugged him close to her not letting him go. "I love you, RK." she tells him in passion. Then he stopped and looked at her, and he starts laughing making fun of her. Madhu wakes up in horror. Looking around, she realizes that she was in her room in Delhi, and it was the same nightmare. She grabs the bottle and drinks water from it. Ever since she got back from Mumbai, she dreamt of him, of them making love and then he laughing at her. Tears started flowing from her eyes. She angrily wipes her tears away. How much ever she tried, she couldn't stop crying over him. She missed him. Before, all she wanted was his love now she needed him physically too. Having taught her what passion was all about, she craved for him physically and emotionally. She hated herself for wanting him so badly.

Since that day, she hadn't seen him or talked to him. When she was walking out with head held high, he had grabbed her and had unceremoniously dumped her on the back seat of his car and dropped her at the airport. And he had the nerve to warn her not to be silly and to call him in 6 days, else it won't be nice. It's been 5 days since she got back, and she managed to hide her heartbreak from her parents. She hadn't talked to Trishna also, she wished she could talk to her but she had no idea what to tell her. She wanted to unburden herself but she had no one to talk to. She wondered how RK was, did he think about her? Did he crave for her like she craved for him? She wondered whether he would come for her day after tomorrow, a part of her wished he would come while a bigger part of her wanted him to go away from her life forever. Thinking about him, she cried herself to sleep.

The next day, Madhu was unusually jittering knowing that it was the 6th day. She wondered what he would do the next day. He said he would come for her, and what? What would he do? Force her to take him back? She had to fight her urge to call up Trishna to find out about RK. Madhu was so restless that she couldn't even sleep. It was way past midnight when sleep finally caught up with her.

The dream started again, but this time it was more vivid. She could smell him, BVLGARI Man. That was the perfume he favored currently. She inhales deeply taking in his smell. Then she felt him next to her, his body heat. He gently called her name, "Madhu..." "RK..." "Wake up." "No... then you will be gone, like all the time." she tells him in her sleep. He was silent for a few seconds then he asks "You dream about me?" "This is a dream. You are going to laugh at me and I am going to wake up." "I won't laugh at you, Madhu." he promises her. "Thank you." she replies smiling. "I am really here, Madhu. Open your eyes." "I know you are here. You are always here, RK." Madhu replies smiling. "I missed you." RK tells her. "I missed you too." He kisses her on her forehead then he takes her lips in his kisses her urgently and passionately. "I missed this." "Me too, Madhu. I have been going crazy without you." Madhu sighs happily, never had her dreams been so real. This dream felt as if he was here with her. He leans up and she feels him tug her night shirt, she leans up slightly so he can remove it easily. Then he falls back on her and she smiles contently realizing that they both were naked. She loved her dream; she didn't want to wake up ever. "I can't wait any longer, Madhu. I want you so bad." he tells her urgently. "Don't wait then." she tells him. Wondering why he was asking her permission, he never asked her permission in her previous dreams. The moment they became one, she woke up with a start realizing that it was no dream and he was really here. "RK!" He kisses her on her lips and she was at the no return point of her passion that the thought of even pushing him away didn't occur to her, only fulfillment mattered.

She willed herself to wake up knowing full well that she was awake and he was really here, and they just made love. He turns around and throws his arms over her pulling her close to him. She pushes him off and sits up in bed about to scream at him when he very calmly says, "You don't want your parents to hear you scream at me, do you?" "How did you come here?" Madhu asks in angry whisper, "You didn't lock your door." RK says with a shrug, then he asks her with a smile, "or were you expecting me?" "I never lock!" Madhu says defensively.  "Why did you come here?" "You know why I am here." RK says finally giving in to his anger, "I don't want you here. Get out." Madhu says angrily. "I am here for you, and I am not leaving without you." "You expect me to come with you?" Madhu asks incredulous. "Or your word that you are mine." "You are getting neither." "Then I am not leaving." "Please RK go home." "I am home, Madhu." RK tells her as he pulls her down on him. Madhu opens her mouth to tell him to leave when he says "I am really tired. Morning is soon enough to talk about it. Go to sleep." "No!" "I haven't slept for 6 days, Madhu." RK tells her. Hearing that, the fight leaves Madhu, and she moves away from him and closes her eyes indicating that she was going to sleep. RK decides not to push her, and let her have her way. After 6 long days of wondering and waiting whether she would call, he was just happy being with her.

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