Chapter 1: Ieria, The RPG World

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Kinoku's POV

"Oww... My head." I rubbed my head as I sat up, but stopped as I touched something soft on my head. I proceeded to feel what I felt. "Based on the shape... and the softness. I have... FOX EARS?!?! What is going on..." I reached behind me and felt a soft fluffy tail coming right above my butt. "Woah... what even am I now... Where am I?" I looked around, there were three other people, they looked asleep. The sky was clear blue, like a sea of calm water. There were trees scattered around us. There was a town in the distance, but it looked pretty far. "W-where am I?" I heard a girl say from behind me as she woke up. "I don't know... Who are you?" I asked turning back to her. She gasped as she saw my tail and ears and jumped onto me, petting my head. "Oh my god you're adorable!" "Hey! What are you.." I was stopped mid-sentence because I felt something cold against the back of my neck. "Well! Hello there. Let me introduce myself. I'm Nobia, and I'll be the person who will tell you where you are and what you could do. Before I kill you."

Nobia's POV

The fox demon turning around to face me, the girl who was petting him hid behind him and the other two boys were still out. "This place you're in is Ieria. Your realm would identify this place as a RPG fantasy world, but this is real. People can and will die here. Do you see that huge tower?" I asked pointing to the tower off in the distance, they nodded and looked back at me. "That's the dungeon. There are about 500 floors to the tower, but of course these idiots here have only made it to floor 53. You're goal as the realm crossers, are to help them go deeper, but I can't allow that. So I will kill you here and now." I drew my sword from the sheath on my back. The moment I did, I regretted it as he leaped forwards and grabbed me, drawing his claws, his eyes going black, but his irises staying the same as they were. Before he could end my life he changed back and just threw me to the ground. "What was that..." he asked himself. I ran off and took flight, going back to my goddess's house. When I arrived I reported to her that I failed my mission. She frowned at me, "It's ok Nobia. We'll train you up and send you out again. For now though. I'll keep watch over them." I was taken to the training court to begin my training again.

Zyrin's POV

I woke up in the middle of a field. Shiro was standing behind a white haired boy with another person... no an angel flying away fast. Shiro ran over to me and helped me up when she noticed I was up. "Are you ok?" She asked worried. "I'm fine... what happened? Why are we wearing these different clothes?" I asked, but all she could say was that she didn't know, there was one other person with us, he was bleeding badly from his arms. We couldn't get him to wake up so I had to pick him up and carry him as we walked all the way to the closest town. I don't know who the person I'm carrying and who the fox-boy is, but they seem ok from what I can tell. Let's just hope everything will be ok here. I have a feeling we'll all be here for a long time.

Lianna's POV

It was a calm day in my tavern, The Dragon's Horde. People were drinking and talking, on one side casual everyday people, but on the other were buffed up dungeon raiders. The floors on that dungeon were huge, like one-hundred miles and they get even bigger each floor. I know because I've been all the way to the thirtieth floor before stopping. I became a legend after slaying the boss dragon on that floor and taking his horde. Suddenly the bar went quiet, 4 people entered the bar. One of them was terribly injured, he looked almost dead. The white hair boy was completely calm about the whole situation while the other two were panicking. "Hey you. Are you a doctor?" he yelled from the entrance. Before I could answer one of my employees called from the upstairs, "Oh I am! Send them up Boss I'll help them!" With that three of them went upstairs while the fox boy stayed down here. He'd sigh, but the moment he did three of the armored men stood up and drew their weapons, walking towards him. "You! Demon! Go away now, you evil, human killing litt-" his words were stopped mid-sentence because the boy looked at him and smiled as I yelled at him from behind the counter. "HEY! IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT. GET OUT OF MY TAVERN FIRST, OR SHOULD I TAKE YOUR HEAD OFF YOUR SHOULDERS?" The men sat back down instantly, but the boy walked over to the bar and took a seat, "Thank you. They were getting annoying. Anyways, nice bar. I bet it took you a while to build it," he said smiling. "Thanks and it didn't take that long seeing how I had plenty of money to make it. By the way. What's your name?" I said handing him a drink, since it was the first time he came, it was free. "My name is Kinoku. Those two are my new friends, Shiro and Zyrin. I know nothing about the bleeding guy at all though. Maybe we can make a deal and spend the night here, if you don't mind of course." I was shocked, it wasn't often people do favors for other, special around here. "Yea. You can spend the night here, I'll let this night be free, but next night it won't be. By the way my name is Lianna. Nice to meet you" I shook his hand firmly, he felt cold, but maybe this was because of the drink.

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